Superb episode,
Wow, so much going on
and the big buildup to the
Fashion show was awesome,
I love how The devoted the
who episode to it.
Love seeing Samara
with her "friend" Quinn,
that got our Emily's
Attention, me personally
Would love to see
"Emara" as an official
Couple. What is going on
with Aria and Jason, now
I would not like to see them
as an official couple.
I'm just waiting for it to
all blow up with Hanna
deleting that txt for her
Dad. I don't like Spencers
Dad at all and what's he up
to with Jessica DLaurentis.
I was really into this fashion
show watching the girls
get ready for it and
Spence having to put up
with Mona was hilarious,
I loved what Toby said to
Spence. With it being an
Event I knew "A" had something
big planned and "A" did not disappoint, the whole show
from start to finish, including
the alternate finale.
I loved Jason flexing at
Noel, ha.

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