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Plunderer 2020

It started off as a great show but as the story moved forward it became boring with mostly filler episodes.
Story is completely unpredictable, in a bad way and I don't think there is any need to create a character like Hina who has no role whatsoever. I thought the climax would be better with a bit of action scenes but that also became a emotional cliche trash.
Overall it was an OKAY show, nothing to look forward to.

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Yeah this is terrible. Nauseating concept (which makes hardly any sense nor is consistent), unfunny humor, lame ecchi and certainly the worst main duo I've seen in a long time... and somehow this gets 2 cours?!

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It has a really strange beginning of the season, but once the main story begins unrolling you get caught up in it, and its really unpredictable main story. You can't forsee where it will lead you from first few episodes. Now, on half season you begin to forgive all the weirdness that surrounds it, and it shows potential to be a great story in the end. Lots of question waiting to be answered. :)

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It's pretty bad. Story isnt very good and the sexual gags become tiresome. Just an awkward attempt at titillation, but failing miserably over and over.

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