I still think the way they teamed up was not fair. For the 10th place team leader, she's like the 10th popular player that everyone respect, but just because she's the 10th place, she got no right to pick her team members. Even the guys who got 0 vote get to pick the team leader they want! Like how's that fair?

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Oh, it would have been so satisfying to watch the "loser" team emerge victorious. I don't like people who say 'I will win, 100%', and I automatically root for basically any other person from that moment on. Learn to be more humble.
The survivor group deserved better chances. They were amazing though, especially given the circumstances.

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the story of this show is that its actually impressive but its so repetitive.....

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All of Greece Challenges was nice.
Atlas Punishment,Prometheus Fire,Icarus Wings,Sisyphus Punishment,Ouroboros Tail.
Now we wait for season II with army of "300"

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