This was an episode I originally wasn't too big on back in the day. I felt the massive cliffhanger at the end of Part 1 made it's obvious resolutions here feel hollow, and the entire event felt overblown and like a massive waste of time. Similar to Part 1 though, "Where's Perry Part 2", divorced from it's original hype and seen with fresh eyes, is actually very, very good and honestly a lot better then people give it credit for. It's quick resolutions of the cliffhangers are clearly part of the joke here, a parody of the overblown nature of most two-parters. Dan and Swampy clearly were taking the piss out of Disney here and making the whole event one massive gag.

Still, it's also got the heart and the character beats that make this show so special. Monogram in particular is really great here, finally developing on his complex relationship with both Carl and Doofenshmirtz in meaningful ways. And while Perry going to Africa is a little convenient, it does lead to one of the better endings of the show in terms of emotional catharsis. And the songs are great too!

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