that's it. I mean, how is it possible to fail this episode too? The short story Sales Pitch is amazing, what is this crap instead? Poor Philip Dick

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The premise had promise, but this episode was so incredibly dull that it took me three attempts before I managed to watch it all the way through.

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An embarrassingly bad and thoroughly unentertaining waste of time. I want my 50 minutes back.

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The worst episode of the serie.

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Boring. Felt like you knew what was going to happen the whole time, and then you find out you did.

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Predictable, boring, and honestly my least favorite episode in the series. Very very hard to keep your attention.

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Feels sadly as artifical, plastic and lifeless as the world described here. Even Steve Buscemi had nothing to bring to this story with Sidse only being mildly interesting as a dying artifical companion. Sadly feels like a waste of time.

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Some other episodes I kind of enjoyed. This episode was really beyond me. Pigs, surrogates, weird relationship dramas.... Nope. Not for me. At all.

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What a mess. Started all right but then it starts making no sense. Very bad editing and direction overall.

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