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James Gunn - you may be my fav director and writer right now. How you made me care about someone through dying their beard.... you just get it. This was a smash hit.

Hot Toys figure of Peacemaker please.

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Good ending for this season, leaving the door open for another (which is already confirmed!). I still cannot belive that part of the Justice League appeared in the last scene basically to confirm Aquaman f**** fish...
Really loved all the episodes and I can't wait to see more of James Gunn's craziness!!!

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I guess this episode has little bit of everything. There is a bit of suspense of the barn invasion. There is a bit of action in the final showdown, of course. There is a bit of Justice League cameo. There is a bit of character development during the mission preparation. There is a bit of wrapping up the story (each characters' fate, tying up loose ends, and Peacemaker making peace with himself). And there is also some stereotypical eco-message slipped in (I guess since this is the anthropocene and Thanos' ecofascism seems to be popular...).

It's not a gripping finale, but it does what it does well for an action comedy that doesn't take itself too seriously.

Highlight would be: I like that they keep Goff alive because Peacemaker's personal connection and Judomaster also alive with his chips-eating habit. I also liked that they're setting this up for future DCEU but not too blatantly obvious that they had to throw away the standalone-ness of the show like MCU/Marvel Studios usually do.

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Jesus, the shit these guys get to make canon -- fuuuk ("go fuck another fish")


EDIT: Ok! I've found this isn't to say Aquaman actually F's fish -- it's supposed to mean how easily People are captive to Internet mis-information (Peacekeeper obviously, but even The Flash). What's not so obvious watching the last scene is Aquaman saying, "Fuck you, Barry!" after Barry says, "Dude, that's not a rumor."

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What a great journey watching this show

the finale was good and left the door open for more in future seasons if they decide to do them

Ofc we still have unanswered questions but they're not urgent to be revealed so I'm hoping for a second season as fast as possible

the fight scene outside the barn was beautifully filmed and planned, liked every second of it

V is definitely my favorite character alongside Eagly LOL

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Really? The eco message? Pfff.

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woah that was one action packed episode. I just love how they make everything awkward haha.
almost perfect ending but it did not feel complete, maybe I will find it when I rewatch it.
can't wait for the next season.

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Well then, after having been so sceptic about a show that is based around a character I absolutely loathed on Suicide Squad, this has been really great.
Obviously Eagly being the best character of the show.

I liked the ending. I wouldn’t have been on board with m Eagly or Emilia dying, as most people wouldn’t have I presume. Good call.
The very end was bitter sweet. I loved that the Queen trusted Peacemaker. But also, how sad to come back as last of her kind, and knowing she will die.

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Wasn't expecting it to end with a climate change narrative! Interesting twist to the motivations of the enemy.
The friendships forged were sweet and neither of the wlw died! (yes that's worth celebrating - see the Bury your gays trope).
Bonus appearance from the justice league. Fun nod. Ofc no Cavill shown as WB have well and truly burned that bridge, the fools.

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Gunn’s inventiveness in this genre really shines in this one. Those cameos add to what we all figured out as this series went on: this is the best live action DC property since the Nolan movies.

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Activate human torpedo …

That’s a wrap for this ‘The Boys’’ spin off

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This show is way funny … love love

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Hate what they made the story again... the start was great...

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Standard dull actiony finale, but maintained the laughs right to the end.

Nice nerdy intertextual LotR reference with the "why not just get the eagle to take it...?" That made me laugh out loud.

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Montage after montage with cheesy hair bands. Yikes.

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It was better than most existing DC tv shows but still extremely average, the story was boring.

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Minor plot hole, lol:

Why couldn't Eagly just fly up and get the Antigravity helmet especially after they tried to use him for that other one?

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Great ending! I can't wait for the next season.

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Of course, they MUST have pushed this leftist bullshit about humanity having an impact on the climate.
PS. NO, SCIENTISTS DO NOT AT ALL CLAIM AS IS SAID IN THE SERIES. Some scientists (who make a fortune) claim this, and anyone whose research undermined these theories was fired from academia.
- 7 for episode and -2 for serie

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