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Season 2

It's been too long that I saw season 1, but I'm absolutely not disappointed with this second one. It's basically a continuation; picks up exactly where season 1 ended. And retains everything that was so great about this show.

It's absolutely hilarious and I want more!!!

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burns itself out pretty early—there's nowhere for it to go. the show is most effective as an ultrablack comedy, it never succeeds at making you feel for its characters. so its attempts to give itself emotional heft in the endgame fall flat.

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Unfortunately season 2 squanders away the excellent storyline that season 1 had built. I had fallen in love with this show but by the end of season 2 it seemed like the storyline was forgotten the show had been reduced to the main characters hanging out. Still good but nowhere near the highs that were built at the end of season 1 and beginning of season 2.

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