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Patrick Melrose: Season 1

1x01 Bad News

this is one of the few cases in which from a great novel is made a great show. Benedict was sublime
"The sun shone, having no alternative, on the nothing new

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I’ve been waiting to be watching this!
I’ve read the book, was so hyped to hear Cumberbatch would perform in this and was really curious on how they’d do it. Well, this is fantastic. As is the camerawork, colours, editing… So many scenes are just Cumberbatch performing with himself, and that’s not a simple task to be captivating on your own like that. But he’s simply brilliant. Almost too brilliant. Like how do you act something you don’t know :asterisk_symbol:this:asterisk_symbol: well, see, now I’m getting concerned for Cumberbilkins.

Now, it’s been a while I’ve read it but its how I remember it. Except here you also get all the other peoples’ reactions and faces.

“What’s the point of a window if you can’t jump out of it”

“The sun shone, having no alternative, on the nothing new”

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The story is complicated in the beginning and it takes some time to understand the lead character and what's going on but because of Benedict's amazing acting you will be entertained even if you don't understand what's going on.

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Good God... That, I was not ready for. :/

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