Not gonna lie, I'm a little upset that the Morningstar incident didn't involve a veggie burger. That being said this might be one of my fave Parks & Rec ever. The last 10 minutes were just spectacular.

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One of the best episode of parks and recreation ever. Made me cry. They was happy tears though

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This was LITERALLY the best episode of Parks and Rec.

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I still think S7 is only okay overall, but this episode is some of the best stuff of the show. Ron realizing that nothing around him in the Parks Dept. was the same is a touching moment. The We Didn't Start the Fire renditions (both Leslie's terrible one and the one with the sax) were great.

The only thing that isn't believable is that Leslie would immediately forget her plans with Ron 30 seconds after they were made and not go and tell him she can't do it. Like, come on, she's been characterized as the most thoughtful person ever. Yeah, sometimes people forget things, but not less than a minute after they happen.

Wishful thinking that GoT would end in 2017, lol.

"Why does anyone eat anything other than breakfast food?" Damn good question.

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Another favourite episode. It did a good job portraying Leslie and Ron relationship.

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Gosh, I'm crying here! :')
I'll miss Parks and Rec so much!
"Ron, you big fat giant sap." ❤

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I'm not crying, you're crying. Ughhhhh I loved this so much.

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Great episode. Very sad. So funny and touching and sweet and real. One of the best.

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Watching Parks and Rec is worth it alone for the Ron and Leslie relationship!

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Amazing episode. Teared me up.

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It might just be Ron and Leslie, but hot damn it just might be the best episode of Parks and Rec as a whole. This show is literally the best.

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What a fantastic episode. I’m glad the friendship was restored this early bun the season.

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Another favourite episode. It did a good job portraying Leslie and Ron relationship.

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