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P.T. should have seen that coming.

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Not a very good season until this episode comes around. Best episode so far this season.

Had to look down when Rachel took her eye out, that was gross but great at the same time! :-)

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Bit hard to believe that opening scene given the pronunciation, "noo-cue-low-tides". I really don't think Rachel would have ever said it that way, no matter how young she was at the time.

A computer lock screen that translucently overlays the desktop? So you can lock the PC but people can still read what you were working on? Good design. /s

The Microsoft sponsorship is pretty well confirmed, though. Sarah and Rachel, at least, have Windows Phone devices.

I am so glad I wasn't watching this episode over a meal. Ugh. Still grossed out.

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This episode was definitely an eye-opener!

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My eyes hurt, but I'm not sure why

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HOLY FUCKIN SHIT that ending!!!! I had to cover my eyes.
I'm so happy that Alison is back! And her hair is short and purple LMAO!
I definitely wasn't expected to see Rachel cut out her own eyeball, that was intense dude.

liver deep

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never imagined that I would love Rachel so much

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That last scene was disturbing and disgusting

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mark<3mark<3mark<3 I hope to god nothing happens to my baby boy

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