Daya is THE WORST. Always has been.

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Morello is definitely the character I feel the most pity for.

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Lorna, Red, Nicky, Taystee, Pennsatuky, Suzanne. All of them make you get more and more fond of them as the chapters go by, even some guards but at the risk of repeating myself, Daya, my daughter, how can you be so retarded and fall so badly? What a kick in the mouth!

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Oh wow :( I guess the only saving grace is that she doesn't have a clue what she's doing.

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"I honestly don't know what to do with you."

Piper seems to get this reaction a lot.

"It's like coming out all over again, only with your relatives telling you how much they love Ellen" -Alex

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lorna with bangs reminds me of Dominique provost chalkley

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