Shout by melkiades96
BlockedParent2019-07-28T07:05:26Z— updated 2019-07-31T03:42:55Z

I remember it was a lifetime ago that I started watching Orange Is the New Black. It was one of few shows that made feel comfortable in my skin (I'm a gay man). After the first season, the characters became like a family to me. The show taught me a lot. I'm not from the US, and seeing this show's diverse cast made me realize how diverse the US population was in fact. This was the first time I was seeing a trans character on screen, then I started following Laverne Cox on social media and learned a lot about the trans people's struggles and their lives, and other talented trans people, which opened my eyes when I had little to no idea about the trans community. Representation matters.
Tasha's song in the end, and the whole cast saying goodbye made me cry, as it brought back a lot of memories.
Thank you OITNB for positively affecting many lives! You’ll go down in history as one of the best series of all time (at least for me).

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OITNB was never supposed to give all their characters fairy tale endings. Although leaving some things unanswered, it seems like most were able to finally find peace in their life and accept things as they are. It was nice to quickly see so many familiar faces from all the past seasons, those in and out of prison, and remind us that time moves on and we need to live in the moment. Piper mentions the idea of being clean, the same idea she mentioned in S1 when she first entered prison, and that idea came full circle to give her comfort in her life. OITNB is a beautiful series in so many ways and many fans will surely miss it.

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The tears... :( I like how they let everyone "say goodbye" to all of the major characters from all of the seasons.

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A terrific send off - unlike other shows cough cough Game of Thrones cough cough. The only criticism, if I was to really nit-pick, is that the closing moments where it checked in with loads of the inmates reminded you of all the characters they didn't include in this season, even in background appearances, which was a shame. Nevertheless, couldn't really ask for a better finale.

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I loved this season. It was political, it brought awareness for some issues that must of us are not aware and that they are awful and unfair! Shocked by all that immigration bullshit!
Sad to see Dogget die, one of the best characters in my opinion... She was one of the few that became a better person in prison.
Also so glad that Piper and Alex still manage to be together!
Not all happy endings but the few we had were enough!
Will miss this show that showed me the multicultural America and the brought awareness to racism, xenofobism, homosexuality and mental diseases...

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Beautiful ending. I got all those feels and the end credit montage, love. All love.
Big surprise of the season: Fig, I ended up loving her but honestly, all these characters have their own magic.

I only wanted one thing different and that is Piper and Alex at the end. I feel like Piper should have made a different choice, but even that can be overseen, I just LOVED this episode, this season, this show

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Damn ! PERFECT ! Almost cried, OITNB was always uncomfortable to watch, but I love it and it is so fucking great.

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Well, this last episode really was an emotional roller-coaster and made me cry a lot.
I'm gonna miss this show...

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Oh lord my throat hurts from crying

I don't know what's happening but I was so emotional during this whole season in general but this episode in particular, the tears kept coming in masses.. Perhaps because it was the last episode ever!! No more OITNB :(

This show is amazing, I had so many memories over the past 7 years watching this show season after season.. Especially that this show is one of the early Netflix originals so it has extra special place in our hearts

Last episode was amazing it has comedy, drama and closure.. Of course as any long running show coming to an end people would have these mixed feelings of denial and upset.. But I feel like this finale was great, it showed some good closure and it kept it real.. No cheesy happy endings it was more like a bittersweet one which I respect because it's so freaking hard to wrap up a long show like this and satisfy the majority but it's the feeling I'm getting

I'm personally heartbroken but weirdly satisfied

Great show.. I'll miss you inmates, get in line!!

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Was never gonna be tied up in a neat bow for these characters. Sad it didn't end so well for some but a worthy send off for many of them.
The credit sequence definitely brought tears to my eyes. What a cast, what a journey.

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Farewell. I have no words. Raw as always.

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A deeply satisfying ending to a terrific final season. Love how we had both happy, sad, and somber endings throughout. I’ll miss you, Orange <3

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I cried. A lot. I did it for both happy and sad endings, it felt like family somehow, because it's been a long time since I started watching Orange.

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Incredible last season, in my opinion the best of the series without a doubt and it has surprised me very pleasantly as the last ones were slacking off in my opinion.

I like that an American series (considering how rotten the country is right now with this problem) dares to give voice to all these people who, for some reason, have been forced to leave their country and seek a better life and help us empathize with them. Some scenes are from ten and have managed to really move me.

I've seen comments complaining that there are characters who haven't had a happy ending but I see this as a good and daring way to end a series, that's life and more so in prison.

A lot of nostalgia to see the cameos that have been produced over the last season.

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I was a bit disappointed by the last Season.

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I like that ending, but is weird. Idk, maybe y hope something else.
All the old womans come back in this last chapter, maybe that was unnecessary. But the return from Poussey was wonderful and I almost cry.

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Wow, what a great and emotional ending. Nice to see all of the older inmates back, like Soso and Boo, which indeed makes you wonder why they weren't included in the series final two seasons (I know: maybe that was their own choice). They even mention 'Pornstache' on IMDB.com's cast list. Was he really in this episode? And for you who didn't notice: the real Piper (Kerman, that is), was in the final scene when Piper visits Alex in jail in Ohio.

The end credits were heartbreaking as well. Loved how the emotions got to Natasha Lyonne (Nicky, probably my favorite character) and the beautiful song by Danielle Brooks (Taystee), who was brilliant this final season.

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a bit sad all the major characters managed to say goodbye except the ones who passed and maritza since her arc ended in earlier episode. also how the rest of the characters in ohio didn't know about doggetts passing specially boo.

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Shout by camille

Started this back in 2016 and watching the last 10 minutes of this finale was an emotional ride. Seeing the old characters felt like a home :sob:. I'm still upset doggett died and some of the arcs in these but I'll be looking at brighter side of things. This season talked a lot of political issues, like the ICE story which is fucked up because it's reality. Good ending for most characters; Taystee, Nicky, Suzanne, Flaca, Gloria, and most importantly, Alex and Piper-- Proper ending! Also, did anyone remember the callback for the first line of the series? (Pipe's monologue) I know I'll never forget that because it was with Alex haha.

I have a habit of stalling a series I've become attached to (like this one) because I don't want the series to 'end'. Still, This is my first series I've watched on netflix and I'm glad I finished this. I'm glad we got closure against Netflix (which notoriously cancel shows). Thank you for the 6 years, OINTB

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Not the Best. But it ended.

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