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Orange Is the New Black

Season 7

This is an extremely political season which would be fine if the writers didn't clearly have an agenda to push. Looking back at the initial few seasons that kept me coming back, this show has completely abandoned its roots and I'm glad to see it end. If you're looking for an action-filled, dramatic women's prison show that gets better every season, check out Wentworth.

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While this season had its moments, both emotionally and comically speaking, I don't think it was great as the first 4 seasons, I felt something was missing, and I didn't liked the development of some characters, specially Daya; in the last 10 minutes they showed all the characters missing from this season, which I thought was a really nice throwback, but at the same time, I also wondered they would have made the season much better had they been there the whole time . But the thing I really didn't liked was the political stuff, as the other comment said. The show came so far without use any kind of political correctness or anything like that, but looks like the writers decided to use every single political issue possible in this last season; I wouldn't have a problem if it was more subtle, but it was so "in your face" that it became annoying and contributed nothing to the writing.

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It's sad to say goodbye to some of the most iconic characters in recent TV (Netflix) drama history, but it was about time for this show to end after it started getting messier and messier from season five. This last season tries to be way too dramatic but is a fair conclusion to one of the most memorable shows of this decade. Like in season six, the first half is a bit too slow-paced, rushing most events in the last few episodes. This happens a lot with shows that have little to say and not much material, but as they had to close a billion story arcs I wonder why they held back. Some characters are expanded further and get a proper closure, some really don't. I wonder if they left some arcs suspended just in case they want to make new seasons at some point.

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