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Season 1

Watching this with my 12 yr old son. He's really liking it. I personally don't like anime much except Wind Ninja Chronicles and a few others. However this is a fun, fast paced goofy show. They actually did a good job IMO capturing the vibe of anime and translating it to live action.The main dude Luffy is an ultra optimist "a la" Sponge Bob or Candide - which I'm a sucker for. Would I watch this show on my own without my son? Definitely not, but I still like it and understand why so many people do.

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Great tv show. Every minute is a joy!

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I need more of this. Please

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I was very surprised by how much I enjoyed this show. The CGI isn’t great, and at times it can feel quite silly. But at the same time, the actors manage to embody the characters so well, and it’s genuinely impressive how they were able to adapt the full arc in so few episodes, knowing exactly what to cut and when. I look forward to continuing my journey with these pirates.

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Pretty good condensed version of the first big part of the manga: getting the initial crewmates and setting up for the Grand Line.
This includes each crewmate's arc and backstory for about 10 volumes. Not bad.

It would become harder to condense this much in the future, but it's really good as an intro season.

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after watching such a shit of a show, this makes me want to jump back into watching the anime once again from the start so i guess that's the positive i can think of after watching this live action.

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As a big One Piece fan, this was very good and close to the source material! I really wonder what the experience of watching this is like for other people who haven't seen the show or read the manga before. I think the episodes and the fights could've done with a little padding to be more impactful, but maybe that's because I'm used to them being quite long in anime. Spoilers that could influence your opinion; I also feel like Luffy is a bit weaker than he is in the show, and his strikes and moves seem less powerful than they're supposed to be. The fishmen are stronger than normal humans, but luffy is supposed to be even stronger than that. Because actually some humans are also just stronger. I don't know maybe that's also just because it's live action, but I'd like them to feel a bit more powerful. Absolutely loved Jeff Ward as buggy in this

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Shout by Vic

What bulls#!t backstories!! Zoro and his nemesis - instantly flipped to bestest friends, they made a promise and she immediately dies. Looked like a BS way to provide character motivation.
Same for Nami. Nami's mother is killed, so she works for the killer, to free the village; entire village hates her, but again flips on a dime.

I'm guessing the show condensed a lot of the story to fit it in 8 episodes and that's why it is so bad.

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I watched this season with my Dad over the span of two weeks or so. We enjoyed it and are glad a second season is in the works, as it's rough when you invest time in a show you enjoy and it just... ends. Aside: Just as it's rough when you invest time in a show you once enjoyed and it doesn't end.

I didn't think I'd like the show at first, but it grew on me. Pacing was an issue, it sometimes moving too fast and at other moving too slow. I get the feeling that some of the content was condensed and wasn't allow to "breath"... like when an hour-and-a-half film tries to cram in all of a 542 page book. Since I've not experience the manga or anime, I don't know if this is true.

Still, it hooked us both. Fingers crossed season two is not only good, but becomes better.

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