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Night Court

Season 1

Oof, what a misfire. Rewatched the first episode of the original series on the off chance I was just filtering it through rose-colored nostalgia, but no... It's all in the writing. This reboot is just unfunny. Not even the great Laroquette can make this horrible dialog and limp "jokes" punctuated with obvious laugh track work. It makes me sad. Compare this to one of the first lines in the original series, given to little more than an extra, "My wife won't do that." (go find the show for context, it's worth it).

The cast is mediocre, with the bailiff character nearly unwatchable and I don't know if her dialog or her performance of it is worse. Can't replace Marsha Warfield, but too bad they didn't even try.... Leslie Jones would have been a better choice (but lord knows she'd've never taken the career reversal this show would have been for her).

What a waste and yet another pitiful exploitation of nostalgia.

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