Damn, okay, I did not see THAT coming. New Amsterdam was always a pretty decent show to me, and this is definitely a feel good ending, each character getting there happily ever after, albeit suddenly

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One of the best series finales I’ve seen in a long time. Well done.

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Beautiful ending to a show that's been with me through some interesting times of my life. Spilled a tear or two through the episode, some strong emotional stuff if you've developed some connection to the characters.

Goodbye Max, Bloom, From and Floyd, you've been real ones. Excited to see what is next for these actors.

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Woow! What an incredible journey it was.

I'm gonna miss this show SO MUCH, one of the best medical drama I've watched in a long time. Man and the cast... May we meet again guys.

I didn't see that coming. A brilliant end for a brilliant show.

Thanks for the help, Max.

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WOW! This ending was brilliant, I’m really gonna miss this show :’)

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When I tell you I CRIED when I realized the new medical director was grown up Luna... Great ending!

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The perfect ending to a perfect show. I have shed so many tears of joy watching this and I will miss it so much! Thank you to all involved!

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Maaaan will I miss this show!! I think I'm just an extreme fan of Ryan Eggold, ever since The Blacklist! He was really great in this. I'm actually happy with the ending to. Although, I wouldn't mind see how she runs the hospital :smirk:

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What a brilliant series finale. Just another day at New Amsterdam and the start of a new era. The chemistry between Max and Elizabeth is so good and shows they have a great friendship. It's a shame there was no time to see where the relationship goes.
Hopefully the network will see a future for the show, either with Max or with the new head in place at the hospital.

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The best finale ever. I've watched it without knowing that it will be the last episode of the show. Just incredible episode.

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Loved the ending. Now back to reruns of ER.

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Shout by Star Kilbourne


I’m fine with everything else that happened but why spend all that time building up their relationship just to have him leave without her. ugh.

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I love the show! sure will miss it!!!

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Amazing ending to an amazing show. Glad to have been part of it.

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I think that the shows ending is maybe the best ever I've ever seen, literally!

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So, apparently, we had some kind of timejump for this series finale. Max's leaving New Amsterdam... apparently he and Wilder separated in the meantime as there isn't even some talk about her going with him to Geneva.

Then there's this nonsense-surgery... I mean... so, they open up every cavity in order to suffuse the tissues with the antibiotic and repair some valve damage in one surgery. Valve repairs aside: Wouldn't a massive i.v.-antibiotic therapie, in addition to an intrathecal injection be enough. Do they really have to open up her skull in order to bathe the brain in antibiotics? I think that whole plotthread is a bit very far-fetched.

I'm sorry to see this show gone, but it isn't as though it hasn't lost quality and credibility for years. Unfortunately.

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Shout by Ro

And that’s all folks.
Was long overdue

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pick any random episode from season one and it would’ve made a better finale than this scattered, cliche, underwhelming bullshit of an ending. :asterisk_symbol::asterisk_symbol:so:asterisk_symbol::asterisk_symbol: unearned and :asterisk_symbol::asterisk_symbol:so:asterisk_symbol::asterisk_symbol: uninteresting, the show has been steadily declining since season 3 and this was the diarrhea icing on a shit cake. it’s a miracle they even got five seasons, as limited as the last one was. good riddance to bad rubbish.

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