What was that all about? Breaking up everything like that is not okay. As if a hurricane was not enough drama in one episode, you broke off all the couples.

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Well, that was a substantial FU to everyone. They practically unraveled everyone's story.

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If the goal of that final scene was to piss me off, they suceeded.

Otherwise a good episode, so I'll substract 2 and give it 5/10

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What was this last scene? Her mother died or sth? It was really weird as previously at the time of the proposal she was over the moon at the idea of the wedding, then her mother said some manipulating stuff and she said as i understood that she doesn't want a wedding AT ALL for some reason. Then when Max said he doesn't want sth big, just couple of ppl she was happy again. So it's illogical to me this last scene, only if sth happened to Mina or her mother.

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Why would Max get kicked in the gut all the effing time???? He and Luna.. even Helen deserves eachother and so much happiness. Why would you go and ruin that? Whole season has been a pin pong game where their relationship was tossed and beaten to near death every episode. Let them be together!!!! We want them together, we want them married!! Ugh! Feels like a waste. What happened to her? Why the change of heart? She was ecstatic, joyed to be married to Max. Her mother said something? Something happened to Mina? Poor Max. Why???

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I'm disappointed. The worst season finale of the entire show.

I don't know what were the writers thinking.

However, the next season it's gonna be the last. One last chance to make it right for Lord sake!

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Who didn't see that end coming? So Max's free to take up the directorship again...

Iggy's issues are annoying as hell. Apparently, he was never able to take the lead... and now he blames Martin for it. I mean, of course, Martin's looking for someone who fits him, if he's the protector he'll choose someone to protect. And it looks as though Iggy needed someone to protect him for quite some years (or good therapy/a good kick in the rear) or he wouldn't have chosen Martin. What bothers me most is the instant opinion of himself as the victim. It's good that he now might know what he really wants - but his own choices brought him to this place in life.

Lauren... she's the one character I've really come to like in this show. She started off as annoying, but she came into herself. She's learned to take care of herself - and not be essentially selfish about it.

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terrible ending to an even worse season.

but what did i expect? making every single character have constant drama, all the time, without a moment to breathe doesn’t get the audience invested, it’s exhausting. and shows a giant lack of talent on the writers part.

this was one of the worst season finales and general seasons of television i have ever seen. i can’t believe this is what passes for tv these days; next season being the last makes so much sense because the show has nothing new or brilliant to say and what it does say, it says terribly.

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well... that was unnecessary.

this must've been the episode of breakups because it feels like everyone suffered. i can't believe they're going through with the iggy/martin split though. it's so refreshing to see a long-term queer married couple on tv who are still happy and in love with each other. i was prepared for them to mess with everyone else but them. they need to pull through.

the only person who made it to the end of this episode with some good news might be floyd.

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Well, that ending was way too predictable.

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What potential this show has, yet just another Island of misfit toys, left wing, snipe fest.

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The writers for this season all had writers block. Very bad, especially the this last episode.

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Shout by JaLi94

Hm.. I don’t really know how to feel about this ending right now. I really thought they’d finally end this up and down with Helen and Max and just let them get married.. Let’s hope they won’t keep going like this for the final season.. it would be a shame to end this amazing series like this :pensive:

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I will be honest.. With the way the episode started, I expected a different story. Showing the flight number and him checking the status of the flight was foreshadowing a plane crash caused by the hurricane, with Helen dying in that crash as a "season finale". Even though I was going to be sad about her dying like that, it was gonna be a good ending for a season and make the viewers crave the next one. But I guess it's been done like that so the series can end sooner? I've heard the fifth season is going to be the final one which is kind of unfortunate, but I can still understand the fact that it would get too boring at some point and it won't make sense to create more seasons for it.

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