this one was so good omg! I love the Avengercon idea and the character of kamala, excited to watch future episodes!

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amazing just like any other Marvel productions. they're on a winning streak

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probably the worst show marvel has ever made 1/10

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A breath of fresh air. Iman and Matt are great and extremely charming. I am however fed up with the disapproving parent trope in every movie/tv-show.

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Best thing Disney has done in a while, especially the animations in this episode and Kamala is an awesome fangirl.

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I had literally zero expectations about this show. But as a guy who hated wv as hell I've liked it. I hope it can keep up the tempo it has now.

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This was a pretty great start to Ms Marvel. iman Vellani is great as Kamala Khan.

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Surprisingly culturally accurate with the whole Pakistani household and auntie gossiping and what not. I'm just glad this isn't marvel studios trying to be pushy with Islam and bring in Islamic fans. It's great and nothing seems forced (for the first ep at least).

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Wow. Artistically this series is so unique. Kamala and her friend texting and the signs and street art adapting their conversations is so trippy and amazing. This series has a really interesting directing and I can’t wait for more!

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I haven’t been a fan of anything Marvel’s done since Wandavision, but this was truly an excellent pilot. Pretty sure the visuals and editing are going to be a big talking point of this show, as it’s really well done and inventive. It’s not just the use of animation and colour, but the camerawork is actually exciting and fun without ever looking tacky or cheap. Great characters and acting as well, it’s all surprisingly fun. Maybe I liked it so much because it was light on action and story, which happen to be the two aspects where the MCU has been faltering lately. And yes, the brief action scene that’s in here might be a little too slapstick, but still. Great start.

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The direction of this show is so good. It really pulls you into Kamala's perspective with the way the environment is presented as if it is an extension of the character and can we talk about her theory on thor being a gamer, cause it's pretty accurate.

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Might be the most I've enjoyed an MCU pilot since WandaVision (now let's hope it ends stronger than that), because of the similarity in structuring itself more like a proper series rather than one big chunk of superhero lore (as much as a few of the studio's series pull the latter off), so you don't feel like the series is just building to the superhero stuff. Vibrant characterization, world, and especially visuals, the last which feel so refreshingly animated and stylized it at times almost comes off like a live-action comic. Iman Vellani makes for an instantly appealing leading star.

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One of the surprisingly better MCU Disney+ first episodes. Not everything worked, especially in the last 10 minutes but everything was fun to watch. And that's what it was. It was enjoyable not having world ending stakes.

Iman Vellani is surprisingly (2nd time I've used that word) fantastic in the Kamala Khan role. The much talked about power change didn't bother me but I don't think it was portrayed well in the first episode. I'm hoping that's more to do with the decision to show as little as possible in the first episode.

Not sure where this is going but I liked it so far.

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the animation when they were texting was so cool

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Honestly alot better than I was expecting

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I loved Kamala and her friend. <3

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Just finished it and I already want to watch it again. So much to love about it and I genuinely think the changes suit the MCU while still keeping the essence of what makes the comics version so good. It's already shaping up to be my favourite of the Disney+ shows, can't wait for more.

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haven't seen an MCU show this dynamic! can't believe this is iman's first role, she is so natural. i love the family dynamic and the south asian representation in this. fantastic all around. also, a ryan penagos cameo!

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Wow! I was completely blown away by this. I think it was probably the best first episode of any show on Disney+! Super stylish and immediately lovable and relatable characters from top to bottom. I adored every moment where they reflected her fantasizing... depicted perfectly. I have never read the comic to entirely say it’s a perfect adaptation, but as an adaptation of a comic in general, it seems like you’d be hard pressed to better reflect the sensibility!

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Very cool visuals, characters seem engaging over time ; however, i just wasn't sucked in based off the pilot. I will return for more

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This was quite good. My expectations were pretty low considering all the Marvel shows after WandaVision were nothing to write home about. But this first episode was really well done. I liked the look and the music. Also the main actress comes across as very authentic. It‘ll be interesting to see what Marvel is going to do with this character.

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I LOVED this, Im a sucker for high school heroes and the visuals and creative effects are so good, my only gripe is the power change from the comics but i dont think that will stop me from enjoying the show

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Has style, isn’t soulless and genuinely great to look at. I’m in

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maybe fun for some 14 y/o's looking for some wokeness in a Marvel series

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headcanon: kamala has adhd, there's no way that fool is neurotypical

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Nothing special, probably the weakest marvel show pilot so far. Hope it gets better later.

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I’m late to the party, but I’ve seen a lot of hate when the first episode first aired (which was one of the reasons I’m watching it almost 2 years later), and I have to say, I totally disagree with a lot of what was said online about it. It was great, it was refreshing, and the main actress, Iman Vellani, is a great cast as Ms. Marvel. Yes, the parents who are disagreeing is an overdone trope, yes there are some rough edges, but overall it was a fun first episode, and a great introduction to the character (even though her powers differ from the comics). 7.5/10:thumbsup:

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The show didn't get good reviews but I actually liked it, the main character is quite likeable and I really rooted for her to be able to go to the convention. I think the main theme of the episode was what it means to be a fan, a part of a fandom you are crazy about, how it feels to be misunderstood by others who are not fans of anything and labelled as childish or immature. I'm not in Marvel fandom but I've been through all this. We fans gotta stick together.

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Cinematography was quite good actually

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I love how we’re finally seeing a non-Christian, non-Caucasian family in the focus, normalising what on the big screen still is seen as some sort of otherness.
Toxic parenting exists in every culture I guess :upside_down: What kind of tactics is her mother even using? I’d almost say victim blaming, but that’s not entirely right. She does blame her and minimise her at every turn though, it hurts to see. Darth Vader indeed.

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Shout by Cluisanna

Damn that scene with her parents and the costumes hit me right in the feels, I'm almost 30 now so but I still remember how embarrassed by my parents I felt when I was a teenager–and I still feel bad for saying some pretty hurtful things to them even though I love them so much. I did like how Bruno immediately recognised that someone with such an alliterative name as Kamala Khan obviously has to be(come) a superhero, I mean, that's better than Steven Strange, Bruce Banner, or even Peter Parker.

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Hmm, looks like we have a new Tony Stark here.

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Cosmic level of cringe, just unreal. Don't even try to watch it if you're not a 14 yo girl. Or maybe don't, even if you are. Extremely bad series, total disrespect to source material. Disney at its worst - ruining anything they touch.

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Shout by J_345

Damn the mom was annoying as hell, always making the child feel like a disappointment. Must be so frustrating for the daughter or anyone in that kind of household

Good first start. Haven’t liked anything Marvel tvshow since Wandavision so high hopes for this one

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i also adore the visuals and how unique they are. cool and refreshing first episode

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kamala is adorable and relatable. blinding lights made me giddy:laughing::laughing::laughing:

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Visually arresting. The story? There isn't really one. Dialogue? Same as every teen show ever. And going big on clumsy ethnic stereotypes is not a good look for "diversity" or "inclusion".

Worth watching just for the visual design but not much else.

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Shout by Deleted

Iman Vellani is Kamala Khan through and through. Artsy, loving, and fantastic.

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Really enjoyable first episode, looking forward to seeing more.

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This “teen coming of age” isn’t really my thing, and this seems to basically be a Marvel version of “Turning Red”. That said, I think it’s very well done and Iman is just adorable. The visuals and editing are fantastic and I think all the characters have been wonderfully done. I’ll keep watching.

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Shout by Reiko LJ

Great pilot and lovely the art/direction style.
Seems like the MCU has shelved inhumans then? They've give her powers a different origin.
Loved the opening sequence.

P.s. There is a lil after credits scene too

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Wow, is this really a good Marvel show?

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Loved it! Incredible editing and perfect casting for Kamala! Very impressed, if all episodes are of this caliber it might become my favorite Disney+ series so far.

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So far so great! I truly hope this takes off just like Spiderman. I'm a huge Marvel Comics fan and I'm typically excited by their new series. I'm especially pleased to see another brown superhero.

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Good concept but all of the special effects seem to either take cover up the story which could be a lot better. It's as if they're taking the formula of the Tom Holland Spider-Man franchise and went wild with the cgi without putting as much work into a more unique storyline. Hoping it evens out in the next couple of episodes. Oh, deux ex machina on the bracelet.

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Is it normal that every time mom is on screen i felt like slapping her?

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Knowing nothing about this character going in, I was impressed by how much of Pakistani culture they brought in. (Also, seeing Anjali Bhimani was a lovely surprise!) I am sure that it's very typical of a Pakistani mother to think a superhero costume is "skimpy" but the costume that Kamala wears isn't any tighter than the jeans and shirts that she wears as every day clothes, so I am a little confused by the use of the word "skimpy" and "tight" from her mother. I am excited to see where this show goes, and what her powers actually turn out to be in the end.

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Least hyped mcu show, not expected to be good but it’d be cool if it was

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