I have absolutely nothing to say except that this was great, unique, hilarious, surreal, mindblowing. So sad it was a limited series, but I guess that’s part of its greatness.
And I don’t know what I would’ve done, cause I don’t think mrs davis was that awful, like yes it was awful, but acts of kindness that were rewarded digitally, like with filters and levels? That seems the only way most people would so something good, but it was a vice that needed to be cured.
I do wanted to see who was running mrs davis now tho, or a little more about the open code thing, I don’t know what that implies.

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Shout by Vassilis
BlockedParentSpoilers2023-05-20T10:38:27Z— updated 2023-06-23T12:41:21Z

Chicken wings!
The most surreal tv show out there!

I really can’t say I understood something.

Betty Gilpin was fantastic.

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This definitely isn't for everyone, but ohhhh it was for me. Goofy, crazy and nerdy, but alsof really wel acted and written.

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Loved it!
Everybody was great and weirdly enough, I kinda hope they stick to their decision and make no further seasons. Or standalone movies. Not even further down the road when in 10 years it gets rediscovered through Netflix Prime or Amazon+ and people will scream for more content.
It's nice, and weird, and funny, and lovable, and it's ok it completed its arc

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Buffalo Wild Wings!!

Lovely self-contained season with a fun plot that goes a lil bit out there sometimes.

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This was such a nice ending.
Knew … he hoped it would bind back to the horse. And Wiley looking like the western depiction of Jesus was a pretty nice touch too.

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This show frustrated the hell out of me (which is why I wasn't emotionally involved in the character's journey) but I still respect it for the wild swings it took.

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Now that was insane ride. Did not expect it to be about BDubs.

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