What did I just watch?
One army dude flying around from bazooka blast, another one with broken bones sticking out of the leg and 5 minutes later they’re all walking like nothing happened.

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This show is getting ridiculous :joy:

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So, not only imperial stormtroopers are so precise.

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How are they not out of bullets? How big is this damn museum? What’s up with the side sorry?

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Man this is BS.
The thing about this show was the HEIST, the planning, the intelligence behind it, the communication between the police and the band; we don’t care about their war movie, this is ridiculous.
The gold now is a side story.

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This show is getting worse with every episode, holy crap.

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I really wish the army wasn't there even if it amped the stakes. It's just not worth the dramatic pay out- Too many fight scenes, not enough hostage communication stuff.

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I wonder when Rafael is going to show up to the current heist.

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After 3 eps of running in circles, now it's just straight up action series? The only redeeming factor for this series is Berlin's!

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