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Money Heist: Season 2

2x08 Astray

this is the 3rd season, not the 2nd, please adjust properly

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I really liked S1. It was a good miniseries with a great ending and I thought this season would just be a bad and quick moneygrab by Netflix because of the hype the show got.

And while at times it does seem really fanservicey I still really enjoyed it. I I mean it's pretty much the same as S1. Has similar plot holes and stupide mistakes but there is just something about the characters that made the 8 episodes feel like just 2 or 3 hours.

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I was scared the third season would be disappointing but man that last episode just changed everything. The next season is gonna be totally different and totally awesome!

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I almost had a stroke from laughing hard at this escape part XDDD

This is war. Act accordingly., my God, that was sad and epic at the same time, I had mixed feeling...

It was an honor to be under your command., the most intense sentence of the whole series till now!

Wow, what an ending, how come we will wait for the next season?!

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Why would they kill off Nairobi? She's the best.

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I was afraid that they would screw up this show after the first season because the story ended there, but I have to admit that it was pretty good. Palermo is a good and well-introduced character, but the other new ones felt like they're just extras, and that shouldn't be the case since they're all a team. Alicia was by far my favorite character this season, I absolutely loved her and her craziness.
I also appreciated that little bit of humor they added to some parts.

I'm excited and looking forward to watch the next part, I'm sure it will be epic!

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one hell of a cliffhanger. can't wait for the next part.

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JODER. Why you gotta emotionally torture Nairobi like that then fucking shoot her in front of her son? Goddamn. That was so sad. First time I cried watching the series. If she dies, I'M DONE WITH THIS SHOW. SHE DESERVES THE WORLD.

Wow. This finale was intense though. The addition of Sierra was what made the season if I'm being honest. One of my least favorite things about S1 was how The Professor was always one step ahead, even if it didn't seem like it at first. And it's almost reversed this season with her. Makes for a much more fun and interesting watch.

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Berlin is so annoying. Did he really need to be in this?

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I was skeptical at the beginning of this season like many mentioned but holy hell. What a great ending!!

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Absolute nonsense, full of plot holes and cliches but very entertaining!
Gutted about Nairobi.....surely not.

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Sierra just played the biggest no u card in history. If I'm going to be honest, she was what made this season even more interesting than it was. She was not going to sit around for the group to escape like Prieto & Raquel. Tamayo was a great addition too. This was an amazing ending, I'm really satisfied, even though Nairobi is possibly going to die, which I don't want, AT ALL. And Raquel is arrested, Sergio thinks she's dead because of Sierra's plan. AND THE GROUP FINALLY USED VIOLENCE! Like Sergio said, this was war, and they HAD to kill now. I feel like the next season will be the last and that the whole group dies somehow, I think that'd be the ideal ending, it'd be the most traumatic and epic ending in Netflix history. Can't wait for Season 4.

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This heist is definitely a HUGE step down in writing/quality from the first heist. However, it is still entertaining and worth watching! This episode especially is very good, and probably a top 2 episode in the entire series thus far.

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I still found this part/season entertaining enough to binge it and some scenes like this last one were really entertaining, but in my opinion it's a huge drop in quality when you compared it to the first heist. The whole show should've ended back then. It doesn't even feel like the same writers anymore - Awkward conversations, unnecessary relationship drama, stupid plotholes and some of them are just forced to add more "extremeness" to the story etc.

I do hope Nairobi survives because she's one of my favorites in this show. And I actually thought Raquel is really dead which could've been used by the farmers to spread the truth about her death and make the police even more unlikeable in the eyes of the public. Now I wonder how they'll get out of this situation because they didn't directly kill any policeman on purpose before and now they just blew up their car(s?) and most likely killed some people in the process.

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Shout by BaSsOo7

Why was Nairobi upstairs anyways ? She's been down in the ovens all the time. How come she was the first one to notice the bear ? This is what I call a major plot hole.

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The seasons are wrong. They are mixed and the 3rd One Is missing

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Nairobii isn't gonnna die, she's everyone's favourite besides Berlin. And they only killed him because that was the end of the show at first, one last heroic act
And I hope they speed up abit with the plan and action for the net part, the ending was so promising

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Can not wait for to watch next season..

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Shout by Brevyre

To play with kids, the inspector has gone too far..

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I started to loose interest from s1 when Tokyo was able to enter Royal mint without getting any shot. And this season is completely unnecessary, still this episode is entertaining enough.

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Another cliffhanger money-grab.
Nothing new here.

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