Haven’t seen a scene like the gun battle that ruined a whole episode so bad. :flushed:

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Can't believe this. They can't kill a man in the middle of them.

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The gun battle has to be the dumbest gun battle in the history to on TV gun battles. He gets shot yet gets up. He's surrounded by 4 people with fully automatic weapons, yet hardly any bullets hit him. Dumb Dumb Dumb.

I hope they don't make another season of this show...it's gone downhill.

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IMO this season (or the fourth part as they are calling it) has been a huge letdown so far. It's getting dumber and dumber with each scene. And that shootout absolutely takes the cake as the dumbest scene in any show ever. Literally WTF.

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Amazing recovery by Nairóbi. Great lungs.

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In a comment in the episode S02E05 I made a comment saying "they only need a transgender to be most diverse robbery team ever." as a joke, and I think it's official now. This show is a joke. Not bad of a heist, but throwing too much drama at it made it feel cheap and comedic in a sense.

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Neo, from the Matrix, wouldn't have been able to doge that many bullets, WTF was that BS scene.

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Gun battle was complete bullshit. I’m assuming 1000+ rounds was fired at mid range and not one person got shot?! And none of them had to reloaded. C’mon, let’s be real. :joy:

He took several bullets to the vest and was still able to move around and shoot like he’s invincible... he would be in so much pain that he would be force to surrender.

Even with those flaws, the episode was still fun to watch, so imma give it a 7/10.

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Great episode... until the battle at the end. That scene ruined the credibility of the entire season for me.

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5 minute gunfight and he didn't even get shot in the head, hand or feet?

A granade just exploded inside the elevator and they didn't even get a scratch.

And Nairobi just got the fastest recovery in medical history.

They should have ended this show in season 1. But I think they will keep making La Casa de Papel for a long time until is barely recognizable, like the Fast and the Furious saga. I bet in season 6 or 7 the cops will call the gang out of their hideouts to help them perform a heist on a terrorist hideout to retrieve some important device that threatens the national security or something like that.

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Why do people in a gunfight always forget to shoot the least armored part of their enemy? Go for the legs and feet dammit.

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That gun scene is like playing dodgeball and that one bloke who never admits he got hit and refuses to go out and ultimately ruins the game

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A very bad error: the real Denver's name is Ricardo, not Daniel

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Shout by ragreynolds

Jesus christ this Gandia subplot is awful. It was stupid enough that he sat around talking to Tokyo (for god knows what reason when he could have just killed her) but then he literally is in between 4 of them with automatic weapons, they're all shooting at him, some of the bullets even hit him, yet he just gets up and runs away? Like WTF that's the most ridiculous gun fight I've ever seen in a movie or TV show. Then he just like teleports through the vents and appears behind Nairobi? WTF is this? Among Us? Lmao

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Unbelievable he is not RAMBO or Commando.. So many bullets and he is still up and running around.. Not happy

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That gun scene is like playing dodgeball and that one bloke who never admits he got hit and refuses to go out and ultimately ruins the game

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