It started very well, awesome series:fire: :fire:

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Remember then first episode is how they sale it. The rest is blah.

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I enjoyed the season for the most part. The monsters were always great when they were on screen. The episodes I least enjoyed were the ones where the monsters had little or no screen time. Overall, just give me more Godzilla.

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Anything with a monster or a Russel is great. The problem is most of the show is the stupid kids and the incompetently evil government agency or equally failed evil corporation.

It makes the same mistakes that the other monsterverse movies make no one gives a shit about the background humans. They’re only there to give the stars something to save and the monsters something to eat and we really prefer that they get ate.

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I liked the early seasons of Lost, which it kinda resembles so was curious to check this out. I gave up on it mid-episode 5, though. It is not terrible... just kinda "meh" on all levels.

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The season starts really strong, with much intrigue and a fantastic setup. The 1950s storyline is wonderfully written, filmed, and acted. The budget is obviously generous enough to give us some beautiful renderings of Godzilla and other monsters, breathing with life in every scene. The rest of the show is a hot mess, I am afraid. I thought this would be the highlight of my winter television season, but I don't think I care to see Season 2. Now, what was it about the longitude and latitude of Alaska...?

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Doesn’t really find itself until the last 3 episodes of the season. It’s really good once it does. Just be very very patient.

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To be honest, this series is just ANOYYING, daddy issues everywhere, annoying and really NOT needed AT ALL characters, if you skip from the first episode to the last when you get to see a little more about THE KAIJUS we CARE, this is just a waste of time, you don't need to watch this at all completely, you can really resume each episode like for 5 interesting minutes of each one, 4/10, save yourself some time and watch the movies better, skip this

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