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Mindhunter: Season 1

1x10 Episode 10

Phenomenal series! And with that ending, they had better release season 2 next month.

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Amazing use of Led Zeppelin song at the end. Scene with Kemper and the run down the hallway. Completely riveting.

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Hey guys so I have this theory about the ending of the season:
So I think Holden is already lowkey a psychopath, based on the way he answered the questions from the bureau. He was so certain and narcissistic when it comes to his methods of investigating the criminals. The ending where Holden finally broke down, when Kemper hugged him, goes to show that Holden resonates with Kemper's psychopatic behaviours to some degree.
Therefore very excited to find out how season 2 will proceed.

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Good episode, but an unsatisfying ending for a season. We meet some interesting characters, but didn't get an actual story yet.

Anybody else think Holden is or will be a serial killer? Personality that is a bit off, sexual issues, manipulative to get what he wants (do we know about his mother?). Personally, I think he maybe already is and his ability to fool his partners at the FBI has made him bolder and bolder. The cat/tuna thing with Wendy being a metaphor of her not being able to see the rot right in front of her (why else is that pointless scene in there multiple times?).

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Great series. But do they really had to make the characters so dumb, obtuse and conservative in the last two episodes to add tension? Jesus, Wendy was one of my favorite characters until she magically became this prude-by-the-book-not-creative suit. The Kemper scene saved the finale, tho.

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AMAZING episode, though not exactly a 10/10 from me as I'm left feeling a little unsatisfied with Debbie and Wendy's characters.

Debbie's always challenged Holden in some way, but their getting back together all of a sudden was jarring - it didn't make sense, not without any telling or context as to how it happened, they sort of just... Are around each other again, for some reason.

Wendy's character did a sort of 180 these last 2 episodes, which is a shame, because she's a brilliant addition to the team. I'll admit, the putting out the tuna thing was great, but lead to nowhere ( or perhaps there was symbolism behind it, but I certainly didn't pick up on it ).

The ending scene is exactly what a crime drama / thriller should be all about, and I'm absolutely floored at the phenomenal acting.

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Very good show! The end scene with Holden and Kemper was very fucked up though. Sad to see this seasom end with the team so fractured. Can't wait for Season 2!

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I am running out of characters to like in this show. Yes, the finale was tense but what was the point ? At the point this aired it wasn't clear there'd be a season two. So, if the writers couldn't know if they do go on what was the intention behind all this and especially the last scene ? And now I've read that season three is still questionable at best so I'm running out of reasons two watch season two.

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I enjoyed watching this, but the scenes with Kemper were some of my personal highlights. That actor was so good! Everytime he was on screen I was so nervous because I could never really tell how honest he actually was and I just expected him to do something sudden, even though I read up on his Wikipedia page and they really tried to keep it as close to reality as possible. That last scene was amazing and I really got goosebumps!

The thing I probably found the most tedious was Debbie - At first she seemed like a manic pixie dream girl, then there's a quickly established relationship between Holden and Debbie, she apparently cheats on him, we don't see any kind of conversation about it, they're back together, but break up again two episodes later? What was that even about? If they wanted someone to talk with Holden in private then they could have just added a relative or a friend. Debbie had potential with her own studies, but it was just wasted.

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what an amazing original content from Netflix. keep such good shows coming. can't wait for season 2. hyped!

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Shout by kinky

That last scene with Kemper was so intense I think I became one with my couch as I was watching it. Fucked up ending, I really hope there'll be a second season, I need to know what happened to Holden and how will they proceed from here.
Also, they've been teasing a Manson interview since the very first episode, so they better deliver it!
Amazing season, fantastic show, I can barely wait for more!

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well that was fucked up

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what an amazing original content from Netflix. keep such good shows coming. can't wait for season 2. hyped!!

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Holden has become too narcissistic. He helped solve a few murders and now he acts like judge dredd.

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Well I wasn't sure how they were going to wrap the things up and give us thrilling yet satisfying ending but they surprised me with these near perfect season finale. The balancing between the Sherlock Holmes style detective cases and the psychopaths interviewings were getting riskier and riskier (sometimes even a little bit boring). They hit the jackpot with Kemper though and they used this cleverly in the end.

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