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Merlin: Season 3

3x04 Gwaine

A fine episode, much better than the previous one, with lots of sword-fighting :) Gawain is a likeable character, and he resembles a typical fantasy warrior much more than Arthur does, and looks how we like our fantasy men. There is also his sense of humour and honour, belief that the true value of a person lies in his character not his titles. This makes him nicer that both the arrogant Arthur of the show and the Gawain from the Arthurian stories, who was rather prone to violent behaviour. Though I must confess my inner Tolkienist was at work again and I could not really concentrate on the show as I was wondering why Gawain had something that looked like the One Ring on his neck, I couldn't really get it out of my head.

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Gwaine's so full of charm

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