• Adam's back, I guess?
  • ..wat... "He-Ro" ? ...llllooollll
  • oh god, the flying saucer pads
  • aaand there is Greyskull.. The myth, the legend?
  • magic + tech = big bada boom?

  • oh ffs communicate people!

  • moss man back, still dead though.

  • sword fixed

  • oh, boom

  • dammit, stop killing characters!

  • Evil-Lynn was always my favorite, but now? Hot damn!

  • will he or won't he?

  • sailor moon transformation!

  • all's well that ends well?

  • oh .... Shit. Well.. Okay.. That just happened..

  • oh.. Oh no... Oh nooooo holy fucking shit lmao nice cliffhanger I guess

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The feminist message put with a shoehorn, Do you make that chapter start to make that final chapter? Teela is a "little" insufferable

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I came to see He-Man and the masters of the universe. Not Teela and the masters of universe. What's this bullshit ending?

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Shout by Andy

Sheesh. Let's just say there's a reason this series isn't called "HE-MAN and the Masters of the Universe: Revelation." Maybe the main character that launched everything will show up for more than 30 seconds (flashbacks don't count) in the next five episodes. Having said that, everything else was done pretty well through the first half of the series, from voice casting to improved animation to a more high-stakes story. Kevin Smith has done a solid expansion of what was formerly a pretty harmless TV show for little kids. I agree that it was a better choice to continue the story of the previous show than create another from-scratch rebooted version.

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Shout by Deleted

After watching this mid-season finale now the season so far makes sense.

I am going to pass judgement after watching the whole season

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:scream::scream::scream: SUSPENSE!! Great ending to the first half. Dont keep us waiting too long!!

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