And again in this episode, Dr. Dumont proves she's a complete idiot. If you have a mentally ill dangerous fugitive in your house, is not it logical that you have the precaution of watching him for the good of others? Billy Russo like any ordinary person, being one of the most wanted criminals in the huge city of New York, can go out for a few drinks as if nothing. Pff!

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Billy’s story feels pointless. I’m sure it’s leading somewhere, but right now I couldn’t be less interested.

Can’t get enough of Bernthal tho. He may be the only Marvel/Netflix hero who pretty much carries the show on his own shoulders. While our other Defenders are supported with stronger secondary characters.

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That was probably the best from Amber Rose/Madani I've seen on this show. But it was also just a flash in the pan. In general her character is still the weakest of all and I often feel I wouldn't miss her if she's gone. I still don't like Amy (formerly Rachel). Yes, there is some chemistry between her and Frank but her actions still don't speak well for her.
That Pilgrim is one creepy fella, though.

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Either Frank is really looking forward to the fights, or the script is a bit stupid. There really was no reason to fight with the Russians, they have the same enemy. I'm gonna go for stupid because knowing who he is, they just send a guy to beat him, like, not even wondering if he's got a gun ? And worse being: he got none. This really is just a pretext for an fight scene. Too bad cause, up till now the fight were good and natural, not some cheap fan service for action. The face of the guy at the end though... And Frank getting back, giving the thumbs up, nice.

Doctor is crazy scared of... windows ? Still bored with Billy's plotline.

Priest is clearly a true believer. The Schultz ? Not so sure.

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Nothing says crazy like some self flagellation. Religious crazy is the worst crazy.

Doctor chick (from Supergirl) is also crazy. And a self cutter.

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Hey, let's let the child molester go, b/c he didn't do anything too awful!

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lots of people arent liking the storylines so far, but im starting to love them. dr dumont obvi has some problems of her own (at least heights), billy is somewhat teaming up with another military guy, frank and amy r getting buddy buddy finally, the storyline’s starting to make sense, etc. enjoying this season just as much as the last one

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That gym fight was epic!

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Am I the only one hearing some background noise in some scenes? In 27:00 for example. It's really annoying... Looks like a defective microphone

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Was losing interest in the show but the action brought it back.

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Dr. Dumont is going to try and help Russo without getting the police involved. Madini tells Frank that Arthur is dead and she wants Frank to leave within the next day. Amy sneaks out Madini's credit card while Madini is speaking with Frank. We spend some time with the mysterious man who talks with his sick wife and says he's going to NYC. Amy goes on a shopping spree and Frank goes out to scoop an area with the Russians. Later, Frank comes back go fight them looking for answers and to save Turk. Madini goes go see Kurt and joins one of his meetings. Russo meets a man at the bar who was at Dr. Dumont's, then the meeting, and he tells Russo he admires his work. Frank and Amy clean up Madini's place and leave for Kurt's safe house just as the mysterious man comes into the city and kills a bunch of Russians off screen.

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