Billy Russo with a hidden blade, looking forward to him scaling buildings next episode!

And that femdom tho......

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-Oh dear Lord, God in Heaven.
-Not exactly.

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Well that sucked. But I don't think Frank was the only one surprised on that development.

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Now that we don't have to keep traitors secret, a lot more happens. Plot really progressed on this episode and with some action on top.

The Frank/Dave duo works surprisingly well. It would have been weird if they were best buddies, and their shared goals + shared trauma + growing trust + understanding that they need each other is perfectly walking the edge.

Lewis is going full terrorist. But against whom ? He already killed the guy that was duping him ? It would be weird to still pursue the guy's ideas.

It was clearly too early to kill Agent Orange, so we knew something was gonna happen, but the bullet proof glass ? Nice touch!

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A lot more attention focused on Lewis for this episode, very curious to see where his story goes among all of this. Madani finds a wire in her office after raising suspicions of possible spies. Frank goes on another mission looking for an old friend and gets ambushed again. Billy's two-face attitude is going to eventually kill him considering he's going after people Frank wants to use to expose Kawlins.

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Investigating and discovering, Frank's plots well, the others not so much

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