Shout by Smatthew
BlockedParent2017-11-19T00:05:14Z— updated 2017-11-28T18:07:52Z

I loved this episode. I feel that the whole, "we'll show you a sequence of stuff, out of order .." has been over-done so much recently. However, with this episode I felt that they were able to get past that annoyance and give one kick ass episode. Frank Castle is one bad ass mother f'er

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What a load of crap! When there's finally some action they manage to make that boring as well by rehashing the same event over and over again.

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Different points of view, one ending, there are 3 episodes left, go for them Frank

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Ohh boy, that's a 10/10 right there.

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My favorite episode so far. I love this method of story telling.

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Easily the worst episode in what's a pretty awesome series so far. I don't know whose idea it was to do this "artsy" in medias res structure for the episode, but it didn't work. At all. It killed all the momentum, the pace, the hype, the tension; all of it gone.
We saw the conclusion before we saw what happened; there was no payoff, no stakes. The pathetic attempt at a "mystery" about what happened felt like pure padding. It bored me to sleep.
There's nothing this episode accomplished with the in medias res structure that couldn't have been achieved better by having it be in chronological order, like the previous episodes. What's more, using this structure actually hurt the episode. Here's hoping the following episodes don't do this again, cause I was having a great time up to 9.

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Shout by MokiNS
BlockedParent2018-01-11T16:17:40Z— updated 2018-12-19T23:29:43Z

Worst episode by far, one of the only times i think the show would have benefited from not placing sequences out of order

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Daniel Webber is gonna get typecast as the crazy PTSD ridden soldier with this and his potrayal of Oswald in 11.22.63. But boy if he doesn't kill it in both roles. Fantastic actor,

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A filler episode in what is without a doubt the best Marvel Netflix creation up to this point, I am sincerely saddened to see this as the most appreciated episode so far, they managed to make a turning point of the plot, something diluted and slow just to respect the running time, so far the series has been spectacular and I trust in the last 3 episodes, but I'm honestly annoyed by this off-course choice

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not sure if i like how this is structured, but it’s definitely different.

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Learnt that he isn't what other's say he is and yeah we can see that but did we came here to see that?

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A lot didn't like this episode but it was really good. Just a bit drawn out but good.

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That's awesome right there. Thumbs up

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This episode revolves around the attack on a prominent politician from different point of views. Frank gets involved to save Karen despite the conspiracies that he's a terrorist along with Lewis. Madani discovers the hard truth that Billy was responsible for Sam's death but that story ends there for now. At the end, Lewis ultimately decides to take his own life. The conservation between Karen and the Senetor raises the discussion on gun violence which is a prominent issue reflected in our current society.

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