Trish does look one meltdown away from a psych ward.

She needs Jessica, but Jessica got put in the same situation as Reddington on Blacklist.

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so her powers are based on parkour and stupidity?

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If you can get past the fact that Trish is a lying, backstabbing treacherous bitch who killed Jessica's mother when she didn't have to, this wasn't bad.

Somebody needs to tell her to take all her half written, half erased, mostly unsaved apologies and cram them up her ass.

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What a lame episode. If Trish is going to be like this for all season it's going to get hard to follow through it.

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I can't believe how far this show has fallen since the great first season. This episode was about 40 minutes too long, basically an unnecessary recap of events we were already told, hinted or shown in the first episode. Trish is an annoying, terrible character. Watching her train for half an hour only to end up doing a backflip was torture. Her "superpower", if she even has one, sucks, and she's so bad at what she does, that it makes the line "I've got it covered" even more laughable. If this doesn't vastly improve over the next episode or two, I'm out.

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We hate Trish, as a result, they are making a full episode about her FFS!

So fkn lame and boring, for the first time I have run the episode on a higher speed and I just kept escaping...

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Great reference to Hellcat at the costumes store.

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At the rate that we are going with Trish and her story arc it really wouldn't surprise me if she went from delusion and parkour to straight up stabbing Jessica to get her to team up.

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A lot of people here seem to hate Trish... I don't, but I still hate this episode. The problem isn't that it's Trish-centric... It's that it's so goddamn boring and pointless. Pretty much everything we see here can be inferred from the first episode, or when it can't, it doesn't add anything at all to the story. There's no dramatic tension to it. NONE.

A 100% skippable episode. Incidentally, this is Krysten Ritter's directorial debut... Big oops there. Better luck next time!

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Must be one of the most boring and idiot episodes i've seen in the recent years. After those lame parkour, and boxing scenes, I'm out.

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I do like that we get some background as to what Trish has been up to, but it's a little redundant. Only the last maybe 10 minutes actually add to the storyline of this season thus far as everything that has happened was already told in the previous episode, just in Jessica's perspective. Nevertheless, great directorial debut from Ritter - it's a niche little episode.

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"Now you eventually plan to have Jessica Jones in your Jessica Jones show, right?"

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We need Murdock ! Pleaseeee. Trish's thing, I don't know

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weird episode not all made sence lol

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The Trish character is so stupid it makes this show painful to watch at this point

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We already know where Trish is. Let's see what happens now

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Wait… did Trish do this shit?

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