This Robyn girl needs a serious beat down!! I can't stand her stupidity anymore!! she's soo annoying ugh

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Yes, thank you, Robyn. You just killed Hope and almost three other people, thank you very much indeed. God, I'm so mad right now.

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Last episode, there were some stupidity. This episode stayed smart till the last part when people attacked Jessica at her apartment, so much for a super hero yeah!! And then Hope killed herself!

I don't know, am I the only one find this and the last episode stupid and poorly written? Am I the only one complaining?? I watched so many shows from various genres, I watched Daredevil, which is in the same universe. However, a simple comparison between Jessica Jones and Daredevil show's quality will reveal how mush this show is poor!

I really feel sorry for all of that, I wanted this show to be good, but it is has many stupid moments, I don't what the writer was thinking tbh! I am not just whining about some events happened and I don't like, I am talking about give us the same events but with some smart storylines, don't give me the feeling that I am an idiot for god sake!

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Very intense episode. I have to say there's a lot of "suspension of disbelief" happening these past few episodes, there's always some terribly inconvenient thing that goes wrong and lets Kilgrave escape, this time at the hands of someone who was supposed to be just a comedic relief side character but who somehow derails the entire plan and is able to knock out Jessica despite her super strength. It's hard when your characters have super strength and mind control, it forces the writers to find ways to keep the plot going. I feel like it's not satisfying for a viewer when things go wrong because of something that feels so silly.

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The most disappointing episode of the entire season so far.

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Shout by Deleted

The point of the whole series dies in this episode.

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This was just bad. Really bad.

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This was the worst episode ever. The plot was pending on that stupid girl and now just like that, Jessica's free to do want she was meant to do since the first second she had Kilgrave in her possesion???

LIKE WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU GONNA DO NOW? COME ON. This episode was beyond stupid, too many people involved in something that must be a secret, Kilgrave has an incredible power and people tries to get him just like that. They're so dumb. I'm pissed off right now. I REALLY hope the last 3 episodes are worth watching, or I'll be MAD.

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Ahh here we go with the vaccine narrative.

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Boy am I glad that this is over soon because the longer this goes on the more I get bored. They are dragging this plot and there is already no more life in it to squeeze out. I would quit right now if I wouldn´t be afraid to miss something of the bigger picture of the Netflix shows.

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Follow 1x09, Jessica Jones and the yellow dress

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Yessssssssssss... Yes yes yes yes.... Im so fucking happy, glad, excited, extatic... Yeeesss... Im so glad Hope killed herself. Jessica has now yet another corpse on her conscience... And basically doubled the significance of all other dead people who died because she didn't want to kill him in the first place. Whatever happens from now on I'm satisfied with the amount of grief Stupidessica has endured. Stupidity must hurt!

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This was indeed a bit of a letdown story wise.

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what a simpson twist lol ! sad for Hope but stupid move ugh

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