Jesus, that graveyard scene. Jon Berthal was fantastic there.

The first four episodes were amazing.

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The Punisher was fighting to find redemption while Jon Bernthal was fighting for an Emmy Award.

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Graveyard scene is one of the best scenes in the history of television! Wow!

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Wow! What a beautiful and heartbreaking performance from Jon. The single tear falling from behind Matt's mask got me good. This episode is too good. Not sure about Matt and Karen, though. The scene under the rain was well written, I'm afraid they didn't have enough chemistry to back it up. His interest in her seems very sudden. I prefer his chemistry with Claire/Rosario.

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Matt and Karen get closer and it's hot lol. Beats Kara and James forced on us in Supergirl. Matt and Karen now that's chemistry.
While to Matt's dismay; Karen goes off on her own to find out more about Frank. While the Irish mob gets closer to finding Frank as well.
Frank is more bad ass than ever in this one. So yeah good episode. Nice interactions between DareDevil and The Punisher in the end too.

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I can't see chemistry between Matt and Karen. Doesn't even look that they would be a couple that would last... Hope the serie doesn't focus on them...

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The scene in the graveyard!!! OMG That performance! I've never expected that I will drop tears while watching a movie or a show about superheros.
The chemistry between Matt an Karen is amazing.
This show has gone so far with it's greatness.

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The BEST episode yet. John Bernthal was FANTASTIC. I hated him in The Walking Dead and this episode totally redeemed him!

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The rain moment they had outside Matt's apartment was EPIC! aaaaand erotic, wow :-)

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The cinematography with the single rain drop falling at the end of the episode was PHENOMENAL. i've never seen something like it before, ever. Absolutely stunning little piece of work.

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i dont understand, what is it for that frank was saved from the irish and then hand it over to police?

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And now Elektra too... Great season! After the amazing first season never thought that they would improve it this much!

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I hope this episode doesn't mark the end of the punisher in series. Always loved be an anti-hero.

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These shows are so formulaic and so poorly written. All you need to know about this episode is that the Punisher is being hunted by the Irish mob. They corner him, when he's taken one of their soldiers hostage. Four guys surround him, guns pointed, and Castle kills all four, plus the hostage. The next moment, the head of the mob enters w/ three other, armed soldiers. The head of the mob is unarmed and wants to tell Castle how he's surrounded. Uh, he just killed four guys that surrounded him plus the hostage. Why wouldn't he gun you down right now?!? The writing defies logic. It's painful to watch..

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What a waste of Tony Curran

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that monologue from frank was beautiful omg

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this was something else and then poor Frank Castle is getting beat up over and over again but at least Daredevil came and helped him out. The Punisher is worth saving and redeeming big time. I felt so bad for Frank as he was telling the story to Matt about his family it broke my heart and wow that kiss between Matt and Karen was so epic

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Shout by Agent24

Best episode yet! Extremely brutal fight scenes, amazing performances and sweet Matt and Karen moment at the end.

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That was absolutely beautiful... Jon Bernthal was amazing, and what a way to finish a story arc.

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The origin, the end for now and not leave one to get into another

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Throw in a little bit of that lubby dubby in there and you get yourself a cute love story.
It's good to know the difference between DD and The Punisher, and now I definitely want to go back and rewatch that old Punisher movie that used to like as a kid, and catch up on the newer ones I missed out on, which I heard were good.

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The blonde whatever is pathetic. She obviously has an itch and no one to scratch...lame acting lame role

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Shout by Reiko LJ

Matt and Karen's chemistry is just fantastic. That is a romance arc done right!
The graveyard scene with Frank was brilliant and can't wait to see where they take it all. Especially with Elektra in the mix now too!

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