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Manifest: Season 4

4x15 Throttle

41 episodes and Ben's character has not grown at all. Still the retarded Ben we have come to know since the start of the show.

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Oh what do you know, Ben being his typical impulsive self doing dumb shit. I mean come on the man has no growth whatsoever.

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Can you release a stroke patient hours after a stroke?
And Jared is so nasty for always going after Mick’s friends, that’s a huge red flag, both Drea and Mick deserve better, and I bet the reason Drea texted him is to tell him she is pregnant :/

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ok fine i guess cutting her hand off wasn't gonna work.

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Why give Ben's father a stroke? It's unnecessary and random story arc that adds zero value to the over arching story. I guess they needed a way to fill space.

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Director Zimmer needs to die as painfully as Angelina should.

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The assholes in this show are really bad people

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I think Ben is the antichrist :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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i feel like this is stupid ,

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