The huge mistake about all of this is that Rory, an angel (!!) couldn’t possibly NOT know who was the ruler of Hell!! Or healer, whatever.

Unless of an huge celestial conspiracy to maintain the secret in order to keep the coherence of that absurd time loop (screw all of them, BTW. This one has been made at most right, but it’s nonsense anyway).

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Ok who would of though that I would ball so much in these last episodes, but sure as hell did. Great end to a fantastic show!

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Of all the crazy nonsense the show has done, the most unbelievable of all is that some random nutter could find, subdue, and chain up an angry angel with wings made of razor-sharp metal.

And then they follow that up with a complete bullshit ending where the main characters have to be kept apart?

This is another classic example of why shows should avoid time travel. As cool a character as Rory was, she wasn't worth the total fuckery of that as a way to finish such a beloved series.

There is absolutely no reason that Lucifer couldn't do that job with a daily commute. 8 hours Earth time in Hell would be plenty to spend guiding souls to Heaven.

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I love this show with all my heart, it's one of my comfort shows. That being said, the ONE thing i did not want to see in the finale season was a Deckerstar baby. I wish they had gone the route of the apocalypse and trying to stop that from happening instead of what they did. It's hard to care about a character that feels forced and out of place (like Lucifer literally can't procreate and hates kids lmfao). While the very end was good, and all the supporting characters got great endings, the child put a big damper on it for me. And they completely forgot about poor Trixie. There's no way she wouldn't have been there for her mom's death. Why did she never learn the truth about Lucifer? Was she just supposed to go along with suddenly having a new sister that has no father? She lost her dad and then Lucifer back to back. They did her so wrong imo.

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Am I missing something? Why was it rushed. Dead ending.

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Oh, Netflix trying to go out the same way how I met your mother did. With creating a ridiculous last episode. What a terrible episode to end on. In my mind, this season is 9 episodes long, where the last scene from the 9th episode didn't happen. The show was great till then, so I'll consider that as the real ending. All the other supporting characters were already done with their parts, there was no need for this episode.

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After the mess that was 5A, 5B was an uptick in quality.

Wish they'd left it there, to be honest, because Lucifer becoming God made for a more coherent stopping off point than what we got. (Even if there were unresolved things elsewhere). As others have said, it's absolute nonsense that Lucifer has to be a full time 'hell therapist' but Amenadiel gets to be GOD and be there for his child.

For everyone else (bar Chloe as collateral damage from the above), I'm glad they got to be in a good place. Maze/Eve is great and Ella finally knowing had to happen and I'm actually glad she worked it out for herself.

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So so so so disappointed with this ending.

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I cried so much during this season and the final episode was no different. I think I cried from the beginning to the end. They managed to wrap up the show answering every question, dotting the i's and crossing the t's. For me the ending was perfect. Literally nothing could've been done better. I bawled my eyes out when I saw Dan and Charlotte happily ever after in heaven. I was so sure the ending was going to be bittersweet with Lucifer leaving but I'm so glad they showed us the moments after Chloe died, that after everything they would still end up together. Honestly everything came together so nicely. It was just perfect. I'm glad we got this ending, that they got the chance to wrap it up for us fans. Perfection. Nobody can chance my mind about it.

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What a brilliant ending for a brilliant show!!!… I know we won’t have a happy ending on earth for Lucifer because after all he is an Angel…so this one was really perfect, love it…it was sad but at the same time it deliver the full circle closure…

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The show is pants now. Totally lost for ideas. Bore fest.

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Well that was stupid... :thumbsdown:

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Nobody ever loves 's final episode cause we all have our own ideas on how it should have ended. While watching the episode I was angry like how can it all be for nothing freaking lost debacle all over again. But they didn't stop when I thought they would. No they gave us perfect closure on the end. Yes it sucks that they had to be apart but in the end it all ended well. A happy end for everyone!! Finally!!

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Series finale are usually rushed and crammed with plenty of critical scenes to bring a final resolution. Despite the last chapter of Lucifer being most certainly eventful, I first and foremost appreciate the fact that there is a lot of breathing room. It’s a slow burn and you take it in, little by little.

Deckerstar break my heart completely once they set their separate ways. The thought of Chloe spending the rest of her life away from Lucifer (or any love interest apparently) it’s rather upsetting. Yet the writers pick up the pieces, moving forward through the different stages of life of our beloved characters and collide into an happy ending worthy of applause and fair share of tears!

On a side note, this episode provides major The Good Place vibes and that connection was kinda amusing as a fan of both shows.

So long Lucifer, it’s been a fun ride.

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This last two episodes were really emotive, specially Ep.9 when he's saying goodbye from each one.. That being said, although i'm not really a fan on how they finished it up, at least it was tidy enough. Everyone got a happy ending ( i actually laugh when baby Charlie got his wings and Amenadiel was so happy), but i think they could have avoided all the "don't break the timeloop" thing. More, being a show in the same multiverse as other DC shows like Flash and Legends, where they have mess with time plenty of times (also, Lucifer proved that he was aware of the multiverse in Crisis, when Constantine appeared and said "what are you doing in MY Earth", so is kinda weird that an all-powerful character like that, didn't know that time-travel could exist; and more importantly, how to break them). Anyway, it was a decent ending; not the best for me, but at least mostly happy, so a good solid 7/10

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Great Episode and Fantastic Series. I have always enjoyed it and will really miss it....

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How do I say it?
I cried.

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episode 10 was a perfect ending to Lucifer! I'm sad that it's over but it was a great series!!!! I hope there are more like this one....if possible!

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So that’s the ending ?! Lucifer is the ruler of a kinder gentler hell ?!!! Great season but the final episode kinda was off

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Took me two years to end this season and the show with the last 3 episodes to go. Completed now. Quite satisfying, most questions answered, very emotional, I consider that a pretty good show finale. Too bad it took me so long to finish this outstanding series.

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Carry on, my wayward son
There'll be peace when you are done
Lay your weary head to rest
Don't you cry no more

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I cannot believe it’s over.
I’ve stopped watching Lucifer mid season 3 because there was nothing new, nothing to add and I decided to give it a 2 years rest. But once I’ve picked it up again, I couldn’t bring myself to stop.
I do believe there were things they could have explored more, Ella should have know a long time ago, and Trixie never finds out.
In the end Trixie didn’t even appear on her mothers bed and that was sad…
But overall I think they got one of the best conclusions ever, for me I think it as an amazing ending. One thing I love is watching the afterwards of the characters, it brings me closure to the show - and Lucifer did that perfectly.
I don’t believe in God or the Devil, but if I did, I like to think they would react exactly like this, as humans.

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I love it when a TV show comes together!

And this did, with a beautiful ending. Heartrending, Funny, one of the best closers to a TV show in years (the best probably since the DS9 closer that so beautifully mirrored the pilot). So many shows either die before their time or overrun to decrepitude, but this has run perfectly.


This show will be missed, sorely.

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When i first found out there would be a sixth season I figured it would be a typical Netflix 1 season too much but I was so wrong. The writers pulled off a reverse Dexter : a final so good it raised the overall rating of the show.

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Shout by itachi

Lucifer & Decker : "We just won't go anywhere near 10th and Swanson."
Also Lucifer & Decker : "Partners to the end. Right?"

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Well, I'm in tears, I actually liked the theme this season. Kinda liked the way things ended. But I cannot for the life of me stand how bad of an actress lauren german is. Ella is perfect, so is amenadiel, maze and so on.
But the detective has so much botox in her face we can't even see her frowning. There must have been someone else that would have been perfect for this role.

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it was a nice ending.

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Shout by ragreynolds

A good ending. Just unfortunate that it came more than a whole season too late. The first half of this season wasn't all that enjoyable, and neither was the bulk of the previous season either. This show has had way too much filler and sidetracking over the years. You could literally cut the total episodes of this show in half (or even more) and you could tell the same story. It would honestly have been better that way as well. Anyway, that can't be changed, so whatever. I'm not sure I'd recommend this show to anyone because I honestly have more bad/bored memories watching than I do good.

EDIT: I've been thinking about this episode for a bit since I finished it, and I really want to know why Trixie wasn't with Chloe at the end. Seems like a huge oversight. It's as though Chloe just abandoned her daughter for Lucifer and Rory. This was kinda prevalent through most of the show tbh. Not a very good mother to say the least lol.

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Honestly, I thought the ending was fine. Nothing too grand.

Didn't care all that much about Rory, I kind of wish we would have gotten more time of the three of them doing stuff, getting to know her a bit more.

Also, another two "filler" episodes of a good old case of the week would have been nice, maybe to see a bit more of Ella and Carol with Lucifer coming over. Especially as Netflix gives us all the episodes at once.

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A satisfactory conclusion to this delightful show.

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Series finale. I liked how it ends. Goodbye Lucifer, Chloe, Maze ....

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The town where only I am missing?

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Perfect ending. After season 4 I thought it could not get better. But the story telling and finishing of season 6 was very well done. I enjoyed it and even let some tears. This serie was so enjoyable I always binge watched it! The comedy is brilliant.

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loved the ending! what an amazing show throughout!

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Aww not me waiting for Lucifer to actually die

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not bad for a finale.

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