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Season 6

Oh dear god (pun intended), please let this be good. Or at least better than whatever the Hell Season 5 was.

And very happy to know it's a shorter 10-episode one. I do think shorter seasons work out better for certain shows, and I think it does for Lucifer. Each episode would be packed with stuff we'll actually care about — instead of the filler-like, procedural formula with just (if we're lucky) 10 minutes worth of actual story content.

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What an amazing final season!
Lucifer started very strong but soon became repetive and boring with its cop procedural, while the more interesting celestial stories were always sidelined.
This last season loses the cop procedural and focuses on finishing character developments and perfect send offs. It was very emotional but I want to commend the writers team for this almost perfect ending!

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Quite a good send-off for a great show. But I would highly advise avoiding episode ten and letting episode nine be your series finale.

It's sad that cancelled shows tend to have better finishes than shows that get the opportunity to 'properly' wrap up their stories.

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Lucifer a serie that started out really good and then slowly gott bad , season 5 caind of suckt and after season 6 Iam truly glad it's over and never comes back.
Wish they did tv series and movies whit out propaganda and just aimed for a good story..
(In season 6 you get de fund the polis all white people especially cops are racists and woke movement LGBTQ+ all people are bi and so on ..)

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This is a show about the Devil walking the earth, demons growing souls, Angels having human babies, God retiring to another universe, Devil taking his place in heaven and for some reason, what people find unreal is characters being bisexual and POC experiencing very real daily problems.

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It ended well, but the majority of this season wasn't very good. Though I will say that it was definitely better than the horrible season 5.

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Shout by H

I don’t know what it is, (could be me) but I just wasn’t feeling this series. S5 was just okay for me but what usually takes me a week to watch has taken almost 2. As sad as I am for it to end as I always enjoyed it coming back and looked forward to it, I think this was the right time and possibly 10 episodes too many were done despite the fact I was pleased for it to be ending the way the writers and cast wanted it to. I’m not sure what was missing me for me this time around. Still sad to see it end but as they say, all good things..

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It’s a bit of an anti-climactic season after the last season’s overarching storyline. I appreciated getting some nice character beats and closure for all of our characters, and it certainly showed that the series didn’t need the procedural elements to make the show work. But there were way too many misdirects and cliffhangers that turned out to be nothing, all of which makes for some really unsatisfying storytelling. And much of this feels more like a coda to the last season - and probably could have been told in two or three episodes that still would have gotten us to the same place emotionally and story-wise. Still, there were some lovely moments for all of the characters and I don’t begrudge the writers wanting to spend a little more time with the cast and hanging out in this world. And I genuinely like the way they resolve the show’s central dilemma. I think I just wish the season felt more essential.

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This is the worst season of all! Haven’t watch all of it (at the time I’m jotting this comment) but by the looks of every other comments before me, don’t feel like it is going to get better.

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A very kitschy ending, but I am still happy that they finished the series here instead of where they originally had to a couple of seasons ago. The Dan's killer line was a predictable nuisance , but I really enjoyed Ella's involvement, and I am glad that they gave her a good ending. Plus, poor Trixie, she was so neglected throughout the season, she wasn't even at her mother's deathbed, and there was no explanation. Her character deserved more spotlight.

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I never truly appreciate it , from s1 to s5 it got worse but surprisingly I liked s6 I give it 8stars

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