This pilot made me hate white people. The real monsters of the story.

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Ugh... Wtf!?!? Solid first episode, I'm hooked! Great casting/acting so far. This gonna be a weird one yall.

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Going by the first episode this has all the potential of being better than the book... and the book is damn great.

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Powerful stuff. The cast is marvelous.

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Excellent acting, top notch production values, lots of action, and a truly chilling setting in Jim Crow America finds Lovecraft Country starting off with a bang! Promising to be exciting and lots of fun, while also critically engaging with the more problematic aspects of Lovecraft's legacy.

Only one production misstep and a couple of changes from the book were enough to give pause but, overall, "Sundown" is very nearly perfect... i'm even more excited for this series now, and i've been waiting for it to drop for 6 months!

you can read my full, slightly spoilerific review, on Forestpunk:

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Goddamn, this show made me so angry!

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Good start. I wasn't really interested until the sheriff appeared. Hope this keeps momentum.

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Seventy years later not much has changed. White privilege...check. Police violence against blacks...check. Monsters...well there is an orange one in check.

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Finally, a show about lovecraft. The first episode was fantastic, the artistic direction was great. It looks like the horror aspect is a little campier than I anticipated, but by the end of the episode I really enjoyed what all it had to offer.
Excited to see where it goes from here!

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UH OK more please.

Reclamation of old, racist writing. Excellent.

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50 minutes in still wondering why that is called after Lovecraft. Then finally something happens. Was definitely expecting something much different.

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After that very first scene, I thought they were gonna pull a bait and switch, and just give us a regular show full of boring "visions" or whatnot ... so very glad I was wrong.

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Wasn't eager to start this after having seen all the fake shilling on it's IMDb page (most of which - including the negative ones - has now been removed ???) and am actually still unsure about this 70 minutes later. I can't say that I'm not intrigued but found the change of pace towards the end rather unexpected for something branding itself with Lovecraft (I mean it's at least there in the creature design).
I don't feel like I'm necessarily in competent hands because this had very little substance so far. I'm going to be very cynical about what I've seen: Yes, racism bad (queue examples), black culture so rich (queue overlong concert scene AND play modern day trap music), car chases are exciting (let's do two of them with the first one resulting in a quite illogical conclusion which everyone ignores) and let's not forget we are here for some monsters (which came with the usual horror logic trappings)... Having now looked at the trailer I know even less of it's intended direction - just that this is certainly not the 10:star: material some have people claimed this as :person_bowing:.

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Oh.....this is fucking amazing. I’m beyond excited.

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This episode started off crazy first couple of minutes then ended Crazy. It was slow for a little bit then got better, if the rest of the season is like this expect it to be nominated for a few awards. Show make you think one thing is the villian but shows you what the real villian is at the end felt like a movie. 10 stars

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Shout by KD6-3.7
BlockedParent2020-08-17T09:58:08Z— updated 2022-09-30T09:23:51Z


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It was ok... some part of the music I didn’t connect... but will watch the next one.. love lovecraft

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For me, this was a great season premiere. The story feels normal at first and then they introduce the paranormal.

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Shout by noelct

Gorgeously directed. A smart, sweeping adaptation of the first section of the novel, with a deeper, more emotional tone than the book. Fantastic cast. There's some clunky exposition, but great use of transitions and setting the stages of the road trip. When it goes full monster movie, it goes all in without losing the tension of the themes it's exploring. I love how lushly it paints the world, from the block party, to the hidden menaces of unwelcome towns, to a couple enjoying their morning in the sunlight, to the fantastical opening of the war smashing into the pop culture Tick still clings to.

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If you think about the racism and violence against the poc this could also be a show in the present, so sad 70 years later we still have to deal with all this shit. I really like the blend of social drama and supernatural. Overall nice first episode even tho I didn't like the cgi monsters but tons of great music specially the 50'es blues songs.

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From a Racist drama to a monster movie in a couple of lovecraft quotes! Amazing!

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At first am thinking what the fcuk am I watching here it just seemed to plod on and on with a boring story going nowhere fast. Thought I was watching Root's the next generation but nowhere near as good are as awesome. Am thinking well where's the Horror I've come for. This is way to slow for my liking I'll see myself out.
Boom then that last 20 mins kicked in, now that was super freaking awesome amazing
Ah I'll have some more of that thank-you very much, please let there be much more of that.
7/10 all for the last 20mins

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Shout by Trill

Wow. The second act infuriated me so bad. Those cops and firefighters were POS.

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First episode very well done, good quality and cinematography. Teasing small hints of the Lovecraftian aspects was a nice touch. Sadly it kinda felt like a documentary about racism for a (too) big a part of the run. Hope this gets better later on. The racism card gets played way too much in series these days. I know it's a sensitive point to make, but please don't push it so hard in shows and movies (even tho it was reality back in the days). This should be an artistic playground; not a political one.

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It starts out slow but there’s plenty of tension as the episode goes on. Though, it is predictable by now. That Jordan Peele will always write the white people as either racist or just idiots.

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I've been waiting for this show since the teaser dropped in May, and this first episode of Lovecraft Country is great! They got the sci-fi horror action moment out of the way in that opening dream sequence; an excellent one at that. Then we learn the struggle that these characters face and ramps up to the forest/cabin scene that reminded me of The Night of the Living Dead. I agree that some of the modern hip hop beats sort of take me out of the time period that this story is set in, but I understand the tone they're trying to go for. I may be a bit biased since all this takes place in my state of Massachusetts, but man give me some good spooks, Lovecraftian monsters, and I'm totally there. I can't wait to see what happens next!

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Bad ass start to a show. The preview for the rest of the season looks just as bad ass.

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