I found the story of Zima Blue a kind of catharsis of the concept of artificial intelligence, which at the same time scares us and excites us. A simple robot cleaner who initially evolves thanks to his master, emancipates himself from him to become a more than sentient being, an artist able to touch the highest peaks of creativity. A worlds explorer, who reaches a level of consciousness and knowledge of the whole universe comparable to Dr. Manhattan. Until the epilogue, which I personally find brilliant, the absolute sum of an intelligence...

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I found this episode really peaceful. At first it was intriguing like "Citizen Kane" the it all wraps up in a beautiful ending.

Zima just wanted to go home.

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Poetic truth about life and intelligence

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fantastic episode, perfectly written and the art style is chef's kiss

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What a sweet little story with so much truth behind it. I also really, really liked the visuals in this one, so beautiful.

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Very interesting. It's about art, about life, about evolution, about intelligence, about meaning.

What's the goal of art ? Of life ? Of intelligence ? This offer a solution.

The visual style is great, except for the characters. The depiction of the cosmos are beautiful. And the story is excellent.

A swimming pool cleaning robot that becomes more evolved, and more and more, until it becomes basically human, an artist that pushes art and its dimension to the limits, using planets and more as his canvas. And then evolving himself, becoming part machine, and more, and more, until he becomes an existence that could be defined as a god, exploring the most extreme parts of the universe to understand it, and himself and his art. And then turning back to what he once was, a soulless, mindless cleaning machine.

This is unexpected, interesting, and deep.

Really an extraordinary episode.

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I find the animation as the weak point in this episode. I think it wasn't the right one for the plot it was representing

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Def had some Dr. Manhattan vibes in this. And it's super meta - I didn't expect this at all.

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A poetic, yet sad reflection on artist in general.

Unique animation, great voice acting and story.

You know, for a show with sex, nudity, action and sometimes unneeded swearing - I'm surprised we got episodes like this.

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Maybe the most one i liked until now

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This one is strangely captivating. I'm not even sure I like the animation (it's fascinating though) and the voice acting can be a bit stiff, but it is a simple story that just pulls you in.

Out of all the short films so far, this is the one with the least amount of spectacle and it works it's magic in a simplistic way.

It asks questions about art and life and the yearning for meaning and truth.

I had no idea where this was going and the twist caught me by surprise.

Personally I think episodes like this are what makes this show and it's whole concept so interesting, there's so much uniqueness found in it.

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Shout by Reiko LJ

Stunning and poignant.
Makes me think back to a book I once read called 'The Creativity Code' which explores the concept of AI creating art. Then what that level of creativity means when we think about what makes us human.
Then ZIMA BLUE comes along and challenges that even further. What is it to truly be happy? A simple task well done and the satisfaction in it. Even after all he experienced. This one will stay with me.

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At first it was strange to see one episode with so few details. But it was a style choice, animation was still great.

This was a great change of pace. More philosophical questioning of many things, and A.I. of course.
It was good.

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Maybe should have been titled Rosebud, but that would have been too cryptic to most viewers .
This is probably the greatest (maybe unwilling) tribute to Orson Welles' Citizen Kane ever made.

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this one had a very much more somber more poetic feel to it can't really talk much about it without giving it away

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