is this considered a bad trip?

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make no sense, but was beautiful

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This one has a nice cel-shaded art style reminiscent of A Scanner Darkly or a Telltale game. The characters are stranded somewhere in the Texan desert and at night time experience something magically but also deadly. The colorful visuals at this point reminded me of the iconic short from Fantasia 2000 and a bit of Big Fish & Begonia and Treasure Planet.

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Can you say Borderlands?! Wow.

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A unique concept that's used effectively in terms of animation and the idea of long lost souls haunting the land they once own.

I'm still not sure why the guy stripped naked to swim with the fishes.

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Very cool drawing style, a bit Archer like for the characters. And really beautiful and poetic once the fish come in.

Interesting choice for the ending too.

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What a beautiful and disturbing episode

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A visually beautiful one more movie from the cycle about Ikar and his father. This time both are morons.
PS. This is not SF, this is fantasy.

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A Telltale game... literally a Telltale game

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Liked the way of drawinggggg

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Shout by Daniel

Fish can pass through him but the shark could EAT him??? Nonsense

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Well, this was a strange one.

Visually it turned from fine to pretty incredible during the night sequence and why I understand this was more about the visual aspects and the moment than about a story it still fell kinda flat. Even the darker and somber ending was not a surprise.

At least one of the characters was voiced by Yuri Lowenthal, you know, Sasuke himself, and I always enjoy his performances. So that was worth that odd trip.

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Fantastic visuals! Would have liked it more if they stayed ghosts.

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Shout by Wolfsblvt

Art style reminded me of Telltale games. This one was okay. Not great, but I can give credit for what it is.
Interesting concept.

Story was meh. I would've liked it more if it would've stayed just spirits/ghosts. Maybe guiding them, or just the appearance in the night and then the two leaving in the morning like planned. The swimming in the sky and getting killed in their world or something was a bit over-the-top for me.

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Short and simple, not much to be contemplated about, but an enjoyable experience nonetheless. The visual is beautiful, love the glimmering neon "ghosts".

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Shout by AJ

Well that was weird... beautiful, but weird.

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Really beautiful animation. Nice story, thou a minute more or so would be better.

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I really appreciate this one because one of the few episodes if not the only one

that doesn't have overly Savage violence

it's a really simple story it's very short

but the animations really interesting some amazing use of colors

it's an interesting cautionary story

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