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Lost in Space: Season 1

1x08 Trajectory

Okay. Didn’t see that coming. I mean, everybody saw Will being the naïve child he is, Dr Smith being the most destructive and manipulative but purposeless human being there is,... but the ending of this episode was exploding-face-emoji. The episode was funnier and cheesier than the previous ones. Maybe that’s why I didn’t see it coming. Now I’m waiting to see if they are going to somehow make it. Because let’s face it. They are the two badass and least annoying characters of the show. I don’t want them to be dead but I don’t want them to come back like nothing happened either. Them or the robot, not both. What would be your choice?

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Seriously? Jesus, I still like this kid, it is not so annoying as the one in The Strain, but damn kid, show some intelligence. Though still faithful to his character (since he trusted a murdering robot) is quite annoying when shit like this happens.

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what a way to throw away 7 great episodes... but at least we all saw it coming since the beginning, painfully aware that the producers probably were going down that road, hoping against all odds that this time it'd be different, they'd finally have learned that after rubbing our nose in hints as light as a sledgehammer for 6 episodes our response will always be: yawn; i knew it; this turn of events is neither unexpected nor exciting nor intelligent nor ...; it's just freaking f*ing lame! (the CGI was nice though ;-))

basically they now have three options:
a) GOT-Style: he really died, bring in a raft of exciting new characters/actors & storylines so he did nor die in vain
b) RotM-Style: bring him back, the Robot & Dr.Smith saves everyone, we roll our eyes, try to forget the time from ep 8.8 to 10.8 happened & hope Season 2 refrains from such lame story arcs...
c) The100-Style: he dies, the Resolute leaves & they try to go underground...

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I hate fake Dr. Smith. She is so conniving, manipulative and evil. She been outted at least three times on the show now and the characters never realize how much of a cancer she is. I hate the character and the writing around her so much that is makes me avoid the show which I otherwise really enjoy.
And now that allow fake Dr. Smith be responsible for killing two of my favorite characters? Why? What is her plan? The planet is going to be uninhabitable in very short time. The robot can't solve that for her. UGH!

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Everything with Dr Smith has been so predictable thus far. Could be an outstanding show but the mediocre writing (Will's lame story arc etc.) ruin it. I've thoroughly enjoyed the visuals and everything else though.

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Will... Are you serious?
I'm starting to get tired of the Dr.Smith.

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I have been enjoying the show quite a bit - expect for that incredibly annoying Dr. Smith - but this episode... wow.
As others mention, the combined stupidity displayed in this episode is almost reaching critical levels. I was disappointed to say the least, but hoping that the show/the writers/everything/everyone will redeem themselves in the last two episodes.

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Will is made out to be a highly intelligent child, but they kill me with him doing the dumb stuff he does. Like all he had to do was trust his parents and he took the advice of crazy ass Dr. Smith.

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Kids in movies are so stupid!

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well hell...that was an ending

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OMG...the level of stupidity in this episode is too much. Mother tells kids “don’t go in the basement”. What do you think they are going to? I thought she’s raised 3 kids. Obviously she didn’t learn anything. Also the kids are super capable as proven by previous episodes...but the mother doesn’t tell the kids about Dr. Smith. What the hell are the writers thinking...

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I wonder how much hatred I can develop for this Dr. Smith whom I want dead. The writers are really starting to tick me off. Kill her off already! Also, I wanted to go to sleep after this episode, so thanks for the cliffhanger making me stay awake.

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The kid is as annoying as Dr. Smith, they gave him the typical genius mind so make it believable he can do every task. He is a damn kid!! Stop putting him in clearly imposibol works for his age.

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This is so crazy, SMH

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Hated that ending can Dr. Smith not do anything RIGHT? They kill off one of my two favourite characters screw this series, screw Netflix.

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