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Lost in Space: Season 1

1x01 Impact

It's so cold out that the lake freezes in seconds but they have their coats open and no need of hats or gloves...

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Took a while to get going, but the second half was fantastic. Visually very impressive. The family don't actually seem all that warm to each other, at least in regards to the father. I'm never really a fan of flashbacks to periodically fill out the backstory (eg., Lost), but it looks like that's the way this will do things. Obviously there's lots to John and Maureen's marriage to be explored this way.

The ending and subsequent introduction of Dr. Smith was brilliant.

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WTF, they butchered the characters and the family dynamic. Is it too much to ask to have a family that isn't totally f***ing dysfuncrional on TV these days?

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Ok. The first thing I noticed: they were throwng the cards in zero gravity... But when they put them down to put their helmets on, they set then on the table like they were at the kitchen table and the cards rested nicely on the table...

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Quite a lot of suspension of disbelief required (in terms of science and other sacrifices to make the plot work), but otherwise this is an entertaining and promising premiere.

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This show looks amazing. The storytelling is a bit slow, but it’s visually stunning, I’m really impressed.

What bothered me: It’s so cold that the water almost freezes instantly, but the family is running around without their helmets and their jackets open?!

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Amazing premiere. I can't find a single fault in this...

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trailer looked interesting, I truly hope they won't let it go into the teenager love story, stupid small child way

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Water freezes from the top down. That's why it floats ; density difference.

Also, no hats or gloves needed?

How are they keeping the magnesium hot when it sits in a puddle of melted liquid water?

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another Netflix, just boring Standard series. maybe give 2 or 3 episodes a try.

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I never saw the original which is maybe a good thing as I can't compare and take it as it is. Not overly impressed though. Looks great, which is only a matter of budget today. But tweaking reality just to fit your storytelling doesn't sit well with me. It's lazy writing. I am willing to except certain things as all TV and cinema is mostly make believe but I'd like to be met half way.
It's only a ten episode season so let's see where this goes.

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This episode didn't really felt beliving. There was just so many accidents going on, like the whole family was cursed or smth. In between there was a lot of family panic drama. Effects and other sci-fi related stuff was pretty well made tough.

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Shout by D.seL

There is just so much wrong with this show... Temperature drops severely and freezes their daughter underwater, yet they comfortably go around without hoods, starts raining yet they don't freeze to death, robot ain't smart enough to lower himself to the ground from the limb.. Etc etc.. But I still love this show!!

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It's better the second time around. Regarding comments about dysfunctional families: show me a family of over-achievers who aren't in the least a bit dysfunctional. Now I'm going to enjoy the next episode... again.

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Basically Young Sheldon in the space!

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Shout by Agent24

Great looking show. Also the story was compelling, especially the ending scenes. The robot is amazing btw.

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If you have seen shows like altered carbon, the expanse, and firefly this show here is really just a flat and very predictive TV show. It bored me to watch it. The plot is just so simple and I don't like already those bad twists seeing in the first episode. Someone is nearly dying, all hope Gone, one character which is the weakest saves her. It is annoying.

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Very slow start and story telling. The visuals are very impressive at times and the setting/story itself hits it right in the ballpark for me. However, the acting is mediocre at best and cringeworthy at times. The way the robot is introduced really has a family-friendly feel to it, which is nice. If the pace will be picked up I might stick around, but for now I have to see another 2 or 3 episodes to judge that.

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It's a nice TV show, this coming from someone that hasn't watch the originals. The family relationship is obviously damaged, especially with hints and scenes that make it obvious, the absent dad, the kid who worship him to only get disappointed, the kid who hates him, and the youngster one.
The cinematography is beautiful, the acting good enough to make me engage to a certain degree, the soundtrack not that good (at least not enough to be memorable and it does promise a good show.
While I'm finding more annoying the tendency of remakes and reboots, when one is nicely done I find it to be perfect for the new generation (I'm not that old, mind you) to connect with the shows that we once loved.

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Loved the premiere, can't wait to watch the rest.

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Shout by Simon

Stunning visuals and an overall great reboot of the original 60’s series

It’s not just a retelling; the same characters but with different back stories

As with the original; love the robot

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Pretty good so far. Even if the friendship between Will and the alien robot is a bit rushed; it's quite moving nevertheless. I also loved hearing the score from the original series.

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