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Lost in Space 2018

Waiting for season 3. Just finished season 2 I liked it more than season 1, season 2 climax was unexpected

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They should just cut every scene with this worst ever character dr. smith!

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It’s not bad. Not great either. Little disappointing from all the hype. Lots of annoying moments & the kids are annoying as all hell. The writers screwed up Dr. Smith’s role. Special effects are great. Overall entertaining.

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Probably the best-looking, worst-written TV show I've ever seen.

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The 5-star Trakt description of "meh" is pretty accurate for this show. Nothing of great interest or to grip you. There is also the atrocious and annoying acting of Parker Posey as Dr. Smith, it's borderline the reason I'm struggling trying to complete the first season. I probably don't fall into the target audience though, seems aimed at a younger crowd. Guess I'll wait for more series similar to The Expanse when checking out this genre again. It's not as bad as the new Star Trek though, which is extremely poor in my opinion.

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I'm Old School and remember the Original Lost in Space Series on B&W TV. As a child it helped me imagine new worlds and dangers. This is a Good SciFi Family Drama. I stand behind anything SciFi that has a decent story, acting and effects. We do not get enough good SciFi so try and stop bashing the good or decent Scifi shows before you have no SciFi Shows to watch. Been there too and it is not fun. I hope they come out with a Season 2. When we get a lot of good SciFi shows available that is when you should start bad mouthing them.

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Shout by Deleted
BlockedParent2018-04-15T12:53:40Z— updated 2018-04-20T14:14:36Z

another overhyped boring Netflix series. time to quit subscription.
oh and its always great when people think good special effects and cgi make a good Show/Movie. it's like tripple a games, yay graphic poor content / game play. but hey who cares people like it anyway :-P

I'm out after 2 episodes. didn't catch me at all.

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Good CGI. That's all. 4 stars.

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Shout by Deluxe3
BlockedParent2022-02-02T07:15:32Z— updated 2022-07-08T18:40:58Z

Think this show came in strong with season 1. A lot of mystery and excitement both through the action scenes and overall exploration of the "Robot" concept. They spent a lot of time trying to develop the backstories and depth of each of the characters. I'd actually recommend watching the first season. Then season 2 and 3 are just a case of poor writing, a rushed script and a desire to make some money. The plot pretty much goes: create a problem or separate everyone, come up with an explanation through cool sounding science or biology to solve the problem, then rinse and repeat over and over and over. The actual plot of the last two seasons is paper thin and little effort is made to weave things into the story early so that it can be used or revealed later with significance. It was painful to finish and so was the ending. Based on the comments, it seems many think this was largely targeting a pre-teen audience, but even still, the show fails for reasons far beyond that. This is a 5 at best. Won't be re-watching again.


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Too childish for my taste. But what do i know, i am an Expanse type of guy.

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This is a family show to watch with your pre teen kids. I didn't think it was going to focus that much on kids but decided not to rate it down just because I was expecting something else. It's not bad at all.

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The target is definitely teenagers and children.
The personalities of the various characters are quite superficial and one-dimensional.
Enjoyable because of the beautiful special effects.
But I found it very boring starting from the middle of the second season.

Everything always goes wrong for the first 2 attempts. On the third try they always manage to get away with it.
I found it an interesting pattern just at the beginning. Then it got repetitive.

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Quite a successful modern version. At the end it may be too optimistic, but in the end it is a family series. ;>

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For some reason the robots with voice box that are super advanced can only say 2-3 things. So random.

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I’m so confused…a teenager (Judy) can do everything from doctor to engineer to commander to fighter to leader to just about everything in the universe. How??? Really have to stretch your imagination.

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Congratulations Netflix, what a treat! Inspired by the 1965 TV series, by the same name (which was, itself, inspired by a 1960 movie, SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON, about a shipwretched but very inventive family) this new series brings brilliant innovation, intrigue, humanity and mystery and is a worthy successor to it's much beloved progenitors (Yes, I am old enough to have seen and loved the original series). Great characters (plus an irritating villain), good cast, human situations, real tension, an ominous powerful threat, good CGI. I thoroughly enjoyed the whole trilogy of seasons. Well done! I am giving this series an 9 (superb) out of 10 [SciFi Adventure]

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I really liked first season. Couldn't get that feeling in third season.

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4 episodes in, better than I expected. I gave it shot as all the shows and movies I like are gritty, violent and dark so my wife was getting a bit nervous. She likes two movies: Notting Hill and My Best Friends wedding so it’s near impossible to find something we both like.

Oh, she liked Manifest too, I wanted to shoot myself 3 episodes into that one…

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Great effects in the space flight and spacecraft scenes. I actually enjoy Dr. Smith in this series, unlike many.

However, none of that could save this from a horrible third (and final?) season. I think they told the writers to up the cheesiness by 5 levels, and they turned the first half into CW’s “The 100” but with elementary and middle school kids. Then they tried to channel their Vin Diesel with no less than 8 statements about “family” per episode.

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Although i finished the season 3 in one day, but didn't enjoy it like the first two,felt more like kids show than sci-fi

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I like the series. I think that season 2 is better than season 1 but overall the quality is strong. Also please have a season every year instead of a weird 2 yr hiatus. Other than that its a very good family adventure drama with a sci fi wrap. I'll be patiently waiting for season 3.

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Hey all "you people" that are bashing this show, get this Im a 10 year old that loves this show. I watch it with my parents my dad has told me about the original show obviously im too young to know the show, BUT as for this show i find it very exiting and when you finish one show i want to immediately watch the next one. I give it a 10 (Totally ninja) so people watch the show enjoy it as entertainment if you do not enjoy it dont watch the show. I recommend it for ages 6+. It would also teach a lesson to some young children like being kind to your family and never give up on your dreams.

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I confess that I am not an old nostalgic fellow of the old series, although I liked the original series. After watch this new rebrand, I don't feel divided, in fact this new series makes the initial plot a must. I think the essentials were maintained and the story had an intriguing beginning from the start. After all the kid is the main actor, because the whole series of what I remember was not only the Robison family, but the whole context in which they are. Lost in space has always been a story with huge potential. You can never miss this strand of soap opera. Can't wait to watch part two

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One of the good tv series

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Very good show, good acting, nice effects I loved the robot :) great show

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It has a big emphasis on family drama. If you're into that you'll probably enjoy it, but honestly I think it doesn't come anywhere close to the likes of Expanse.

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Guess it's good for families with small teenagers, but I wouldn't recommend it for grownups. Great effects though.

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Shout by Michael C.
BlockedParent2018-04-14T04:43:49Z— updated 2022-01-27T03:59:04Z

Great special effects. I loved the robot and the family drama is a bit much to deal with and yet with Mr. Smith playing head games on everyone.. I can understand the turmoil of being stuck on a planet with a bunch of others feeling lost in space. Great story and hope it comes back again.

Sorry to hear it was ended!

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Family drama, lots of landscape, minimum space scenes... They changed 2 galaxies in a season yet all i recall is woods and ice and shit but not a single proper scifi environment. And oh that ship that broke in half had 2020 aluminum extrusion profiles on its console and was a huge turn off for me, not scifi at all.

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Danger, Will that line in the trailer. I hope this show ends up being great.

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Shout by ALI - 88
BlockedParent2020-03-26T21:45:08Z— updated 2020-04-22T06:50:13Z

Reading the comments for this show is a fascinating look into the psyche of people with no lives... Sure is isn't a perfect show where everything is so perfectly planned nothing can be pointed out. Of course not no show is.

But seems like all people do is watching so they can comment on how bad it is.. You gotta have absolutely no life of this what you do when you have time off.

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Cheesy tv show, beautiful picture. Very predictable.

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I see a lot of comments on this show not being like the Expanse (another excellent series btw) and how it's not for grownups. Yes, Lost in Space is not like the Expanse nor was it ever supposed to be. It's based on the 1965 version of Lost in Space which was inspired by the 1812 novel The Swiss Family Robinson, both of witch are family friendly.

With this said... This show is a good watch for fans of the origional (yes, I mean it's for grownups too ;) ) and for anyone wanting to watch something on TV with their kids that does not have you grabbing the remote every other scene to skip over the inappropriate stuff.

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Shout by Sky

I really enjoy this series, just finished watching S2 and I'm hoping to see more. :)

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Very very cheesy sometimes (so much that it hurts), predictabel and definitely not for hardcore space fans that grasp the laws of physics. Imho the CGI is basic (considering the budget), not as good as some seem to believe. Everyone with Autodesk products, houdini or blender could do that in their bedroom nowadays. Also the set design is a bit lackluster especially on parts interesting for the scifi nerd like consoles and tech. Does anyone know where the weird lens reflections in scenes with bright lights come from and why they let them in the final shot? Was that a budget thing or some failed stylistic experiment?

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Okay, I have just finished this having binged watched over about 2 weeks. It surprises me to read the negative reviews.

I for one thought it was great. Well defined characters and dynamics between them. The effects were top notch, far better than most TV sci-fi shows. Some of the plot lines were a little obvious but still were done well. Tension built well and it addressed more complex issues than most shows of this nature would go too.

Role on the Second Season and hopefully they can expand the scope but keep the focus on the family dynamic. Well done.

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Brilliant reboot of a favourite. Much more realistic in it's premise. Much more realistic and the episode to episode happenings. Terrific visuals and effects and a great cast. I really hope this is taken to Season 2

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Amazing show I 100% Recommended It only thing I disliked was that double plot twist at the end of episode 10 but all and all its decent because we get another season of this amazing show this is a MUST Watch in 2018.

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Later seasons are so boring. I can't get myself to watch Season 3 after Season 2. The characters make the dumbest mistakes, and you just start screaming at your screen. And it is sooooo boring. The story Season 1 had set up was interesting, but it ends there. It doesn't get any more interesting in Season 2. Poor writing.

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i thought this was about being lost in space not being lost in family drama

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Alma Garret and Captain Flint battle Alien robots and the God awful adaptation of Dr Smith.

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Lost In Space on Netflix. is something beautiful and a beautifully told story that everyone should see. Thank you to the actors, directors, producers, and other staff who made this possible. We see Lost In Space 2 Chapter 1

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So much fun. A story about family and friendship. It is 7+, you know they are going to make it somehow, but it's still a pretty fun ride. The effects are surprisingly nice.
Would recommend!

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Shout by TV Watcher
BlockedParent2021-10-29T21:07:41Z— updated 2022-09-07T17:05:33Z

If you can discount Parker Posey entirely out of this show then it's a fun and entertaining show, but her as Dr. Smith is so cringe-worthy that you want to fast forward past any scene she is in. They finally figured it out for the final season but by then it was too late, she destroyed the show. That's too bad, too, because this could have been a good 5 season show.

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It does have that original feeling of family alone on an unhabited 'island' with a lot of family drama, but too much family drama for my taste. I dont feel much connection to the main characters, I couldnt care less if any of them gets hurt or whatever - the kids are just too annoying. It is a nice adaption to a sci-fi series, but the occurrences are badly written and not very realistic. Seems to be aimed at being 8-15 y/o + parents. I watched 3 episodes and dont really feel like I want to watch another few.

The whole atmosphere and way of writing feels very much like "Away". Also too much drama, too little sci-fi.

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I saw so many people about Dr Smith being annoying, but the mother is even worse in my opinion. She acts like she is the smartest being in the universe and tries to command everyone. That stretches throughout the whole show, which I find pretty annoying. Personally, I think the show would be better without her.

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Not as bad as I thought, but you really could call it Plot Armor in Space. It is a family show, so don't expect Game of Thrones level of drama. But it is decent, especially when there's not much sci-fi currently out there.

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I really enjoyed this, partly because I’m an Engineer! Love the problem solving and nothing is impossible mantra that connects the entire story! Good character development and fast pacing stories! Season 1 starts off slow but gets better and season 2 was brilliant from the get go! Great investment in the show!

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I would pay 10 bucks for a version without"Dr. Smith". Worst role in a long time.

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I remember watching half of the first season when it came out, but I picked it all up again this year and rewatched it from the start.
I have seen a lot of mixed opinions about this series, but I really liked it. The characters are simple, yet well-written; they change and grow. There's a lot of family drama, but I personally liked that a lot. I would definitely recommend this series and look forward to a third season (which doesn't feel like a stretch, unlike what other series sometimes have after the first season)!

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Wish they would conclude one story line before starting another.

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First season was great. Season 2 is starting to feel like a drag. By the ending of season 2 it's quite obvious there will be a season 3. It is one of these shows you just wish they would end them while they are still good but nope got to make that money so more stories that adds up to nothing. It's a decent watch on a day off but once you have something better to do well you'll get up on go do it. If that makes sense.

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Okay TV-Series.. Season 2 seems to be rushed a little and this gives the Program a trashy feel, which I like.

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12 out of 10, soooo gooood.

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Love how they explained how they got lost in more detailed....some characters are ok but i think its a great reboot and love what there gonna do with it

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Somehow this series is addictive although the Characters Mr. Smith and the easy to influence Will make it very unenjoyable. There are enough problems for the crew to solve but still this series makes even more and more problems that have to be solved.
I still watch it because I want to see what happens but this series is stretching the story so much that literally nothing happens in hours of watching.

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I really enjoyed the first season of this show. It had plenty of 'what if' and 'when will it' moments. Glad that a second season has been ordered. The ending was a big 'wow' moment so the next season will be really interesting.

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Muy buena serie.. diferente a la primera .. pero buenos cambios.. el robot es excelente.

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Overall pretty interesting. I actually like some of the changes they made from the old show. People have complained the characters are TOO different, but keep in mind it's a DIFFERENT show, with different writers and a different storyline. That being said, the show could have been vastly improved by better writing. When 80% of the drama is caused by characters NOT communicating when they should so the viewers know what's going on, but the characters don't, it makes it very frustrating and less enjoyable. Also, there are a couple of big plot holes that were glossed over due to the same lazy writing. As others have said, much more enjoyable as a family drama, especially since some of the big "Oh my, what's going to happen" moments are ruined by the fact you ultimately KNOW what's going to happen. Less enjoyable as a true sci-fi series.

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It shouldn't be called Lost In Space and the characters should not be from Original Lost in Space. They All are opposite what original were. I gave 3 Stars for it because I was hopping what it was and not what it is. It would be good if I would not look at original story and characters. Maybe I will change my score after Season 2.

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Finally a great show after Stargate Sg-1&Atlantis. Not boring in a dark ambiance like expanse.

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A tv show which is about stupidity of Will.
And yeah, it takes place in space.
10/10 would grind again.

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