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Season 1

I adore Classic Loki so much

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Loki was fun. An overlong explainer for the future projects of MCU. I did like the more personal style Marvel adopted for its series but, something always feels out of place. The realism Loki tries to bring into the ultra formalist franchise never seems to fully realize itself. At least that's what makes me feel moving in and out of the story very frequently which kind of dampens the fun. Still, a decent show that is not at all boring to watch.

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With it's stellar visuals and fantastic production design, Loki is a threat from a technical perspective and one of the MCU's most inventive projects. The 60s inspired tech gives a unique aesthetic, and the yellows and purples just leap off the screen, all accompanied by an all timer superhero score by Natalie Holt. But in spite of all of that, Loki also is a fantastic character piece, continuing the recent trend of MCU series that are fully character and theme based. Exploring Loki's complex psychology through the lens of identity, free will, and variancy, there is a delight in learning more about the universe through his unique eyes.

Tom Hiddleston shines as per usual, but it's honestly his co-stars which help sell this. Gugu Mbatha-Raw is deliciously sneaky, Sophia Di Martino is tons of fun and bouncy, and Richard E. Grant and particularly Jonathan Majors steal the show here. And with the second season on the horizon, I can't wait to see how it all plays out.

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Loki cries in every episode. The most emotionally invested I've been in Marvel maybe ever. I'd give it a 10/10 but it felt a bit rushed across just six episodes.

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Anyone who rated this 8+ should have their rating privileges revoked. I've long been of the opinion that user reviews are a better indicator of whether a show or film will be worth my time than critics reviews, but after this, I'm starting to think I should pay more attention to the critics.

Ultimately a 6.5/10, rounded up to a very generous 7/10. Most Marvel media comes off as generic AI generated rubbish with a huge budget. At least they typed a somewhat unique prompt into ChatGPT for this one.

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Terrible, zero creativity, poor world building and rushed storytelling. Good finale

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Meh. Great climax. 2 good jokes nothing new. Poor adventure and weak shenanigans. Just meh

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Shout by manicure
BlockedParent2022-11-23T11:21:40Z— updated 2023-11-15T13:59:20Z

It's my fault, because I keep hurting myself with these shows already knowing that they are going to suck. This time the writers barely got enough material for a mediocre Marvel movie but decided to go for a six-episode series instead - and it's only part one. The set-up hinted at infinite possibilities, too bad that all we get are characters walking in circles for more cringe-worthy quips and drowsy info-dumps about multiverse rules which, by the way, keep changing with each new movie or TV series.

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Solid effort for a first season but it felt that they knew all along that they will have 2 seasons so they kind of left us with more questions than answers after each episode => very frustating ....

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I thoroughly enjoyed every aspect of this series - from existential and philosophical musings of its comic book characters, to the mind-numbing bureaucratic fascism of the Time Variance Authority - this was an utterly charming, delightful, and playful series that still allowed itself to delve into weightier issues of choice, free will, and destiny. The performances are fantastic, and the main cast all have terrific chemistry together. It’s a really meaty and heartbreaking arc for Loki, and the supporting cast all get to do more interesting work than I would have first expected. And I was honestly impressed that the season was about to wrap things up in such a way that met the needs of the genre conventions (world building, setting up sequels/new entries in the Marvel universe) while still grounding the final conflict in the characters and their journeys. Hands down my favorite of the Disney+ MCU shows so far.

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A series that almost only serves to set up more movies. You just can't get anything meaningful out of it, if you are thinking this is the place for that. If you wanna, scratch your head (not in a good way) and just consume while eating, then... well, you can obviously do better.

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its good that they mentioned Loki will return in Season 2, because they did not finish the everything in season 1 itself.

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Alligator Loki and Throg, two legends

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Ok fun. Not brilliant, but more or less entertaining throughout. Worked well with the different versions of the Lokis. Not sure about the attraction between Loki and Sylvie - but I guess it is a message that you have to be kind and loving to yourself before you can relate to others with more than mischief and ambition?

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Certainly the best Marvel offering from the year so far, just beating out Wandavision.

Had low expectations going in given how long we have had Loki in the MCU, but his adventures in the TVA proved to be very interesting and hooked me in from episode 1. It takes the MCU in a very new direction and I look forward to see what future movies and TV shows will do with the setup the show has provided.

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Shout by ragreynolds

Started out really strong and had me super invested. Seemed really different. Then things just became alright until it eventually ended in a pretty lacklustre way. I enjoyed it, but I was left feeling disappointed in the end.

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[Disney+, S1] Perhaps the most fandom MCU series released so far. This is the only way to explain having the audacity to elaborate a climax that consists of a conversation between three characters. The result is an evolution of the main character that leaves insiders as cold as Marvel fans are astonished. Using the multiverse and timelines to explain everything is becoming one of the endemic evils of modern fantasy.

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Action: 5/5
Theme: 5/5
Plot/Story/Writing: 5/5
Performances: 5/5
Characters: 5/5
Cinematography: 5/5
Special Effects: 5/5
Overall: 5/5

My Favorite Characters/Performance:

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As much as I enjoyed this, it felt like it was trying to do too much within six episodes. Like, they could have done two seasons with several arcs for all the content in the first season.

It's still fun, but don't think too hard about the plot.

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Shout by Deleted

I enjoyed the first season of Loki. Some fun ideas are tossed around but for something made for TV, it felt like The Falcon and the Winter Solider as something trying to be a long movie rathe than a series, which is disappointing since TV is a different medium that can do a lot of things film can't. Marvel should let the showrunners oversee the shows, not the directors.

Sophia Di Martino steals the show as Sylvie and Hiddleston as always nails it in the role of Loki. Oh, and there's a great cameo at the end by a now first time Emmy nominee from a better now cancelled TV show. Let's just say, he's gonna be important to these movies moving forward. Oh and Owen Wilson!

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Such an effective example of how to elegantly and gracefully up the ante and raise the stakes at every turn. I had no expectations for this season, but color me blown away.

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