This was a great show watching it almost 20 years after I saw it on TV at the time.
While the effects specially in the early seasons have aged badly, the whole thing is really nice. The couple is good, Martha & Jonathan are really good, Perry White is one of the best character and acted greatly and Jimmy while having been "reset" in S2 isn't a bad one either thought he could've been improved a bit, he didn't get the chance to go back to being a photograph.

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Such a shame that this never got finished off properly. You can find interviews with showrunners who mention that the story arc for a 5th season had been settled on. The fans took these ideas and fleshed them out - look for Lois & Clark Fanfic Season 5. They're worth the time to ingest and get the closure. All that said, Teri Hatcher was the strongest and most alluring Lois Lane we've ever had. Dean Cain's chemistry with her was sensational. His Clark was the best version across small- and big-screen. Jonathan and Martha are the best versions. This show had heart and humour, and is a time capsule of the 90s. I really enjoyed the rewatch - Tempus was great.

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