I like to think that this episode - the worst in the 1st season - spawned the film 'Limitless'... A substance that can be consumed and the IQ boosted hugely. Why nobody decides to manufacture or reverse-engineer the substance whilst under the influence always seems peculiar though, no?

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Shout by Ward

2nd episode in a row that Lois got hit on the ass. Previous episode she had it spanked, twice, by Clark of all people. Also, Lex got his ass spanked this episode too. Is this going to become a meme? Or just a coincedence. Heh.

I was between a 6 and a 7 on this episode, but i think the earnestness of it bumps it up to a 7. I liked Lois taking care of the kid, and i liked Lex being quite maniacal.

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