This show has gone from okay, to bad, to awful. Each season worse than the last. Glad it's ending.

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Bode is just annoying at this point. He's the reason the family is getting in trouble 90% of the time...

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Bode is the fucking worse. The fact that this show pushes the plot along by having the kids do dumb shit makes me want to set fire to my TV. Bode in general is the epitome of an idiot. He gives other children a bad reputation because they are all wayy smarter than him.

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Wow. WTF are the writers thinking. No one in this world is retarded as Bode. Even mentally challenged people are smarter than Bode. This show has become so stupid.

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Well Bode is an idiot...but i guess the plot was getting stale and they had to do something to shake things up :wink:

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Ok, this show arrived at Ridiculous Station on this episode.
There's stupidity and there's something only a character in a bad story would do.
Bode is way beyond that.

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Over Kinsey singing this season, already lol. Also, Bode is an idiot lol.

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Holy crap. I don’t think I ever felt more anxious watching this show, that was nerve wracking.

Why are you so godamn stupid Bode? Despite old mistakes, he used the be wiser one of the three siblings. Where’s the character development here? Even as reckless kid drawn by the power of the keys, THIS WAS SO DUMB. It’s infuriating how we’re back on the Dodge train after everything they’ve been through to get here. It’s frustrating how the writers need to literally recycle some old storyline, in order to move the plot along.

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Bode is easily the most unlikeable character in this show. Especially after this episode.

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Everything in this episode was terrible.
How the memory key acts is hideous in itself: Everything, every minor detail is crystal clear and every memory is 360 walkable, even when you were completely hammered and should not even remember/see things that are not in front of you. Mommy realizing that she used to be the worst mom, and in the present, chooses to go back to cry over this fact instead of finally be a mother to her daughter.
But the worst is Bode, really. He is not that young to be this dumb, especially after everything that previously happened with the family. Uncle Duncan was quite careless and dumb to stall the discussion about the key, but this is not on him, really.
The show, especially the dialogues has become something that a 5-year-old would write. The baddies and their 'acting' and everything they say are truly masterpieces of a Z-category movie.
I am not sure I can bear more episodes, even though there are only 5 left..

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Worst episode of the show bode is annoying made season 3 pointless with this episode nearly Makes me not want to finish the show.

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see my last ep comment for reference
so now bode is continuing being annoying and stupid, behavior like this is one of the reasons I don’t want kids, I cant stand it.

I remember liking this show but its (slowly) loosing its magic and Im also not a fan of the new villains, but we’ll see how it goes

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And, the number one answer on the board:
Survey says...

At least we're all in agreement.

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jeeze wtf Bode lol. he keeps getting everyone in deep trouble.
Duncan keeps saying the key doesn’t work the way they think, and that Bode shouldn’t use it. what does Bode do? uses the key and accidentally brings Dodge back from the past with him lmfao. smooth move Bode!

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