Elena is a “I know how you feel” type of girl. Isn’t she? And Mia is not so mean in the book as the writers portraying her here.

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Fuck, Bebe is such a mess of a woman. Stormed in stranger house and acting like the baby was stolen, not realizing that without this family her baby would have nothing? Girl.

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Shout by dewdropvelvet
BlockedParent2020-04-09T09:36:29Z— updated 2020-04-11T18:24:34Z

Mia seems to be operating from a place of flight or fright. And Elena can't seem to resist over involving herself in the custody battle, unable to distance herself from the strong feelings Mia arises in her.

The actress playing Bebe does a good job.

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Shout by MamaSaucy

I have questions…

Could they not find another kid that was more readily available? It was the 90s, they were literally taking kids left and right.

Mia going so hard for Bebe is wild because Bebe wasn’t going hard for herself like that. She literally lives month to month when she can not? I know we have more to learn about Mia but I’m really confused by her motivation.

Tripp and Pearl is also confusing. Why did he even give in, to then leave midway if the guilt was so strong?

I won’t even ask how Pearl couldn’t see Moody likes her… it was so obvious to everyone but her. And yes should have been too focused on trip but that’s not really shown past glances.

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Shout by Deleted

Five last minutes are great

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