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Season 3

Leverage steals a third season as the team comes back together for more heists. When Nate gets sentenced to a privately run prison with a corrupt warden the Leverage team works to break him out, but to stay free and off law enforcement’s radar they make a deal to take down a powerful international businessman named Damien Moreau. With Gina Bellman back full-time the cast feels complete once again, and the Eliot/Hardison buddy/rivalry relationship is explored more with a lot of fun pair ups. Also, the list of guest stars is quite impressive, and features Richard Chamberlain, Alona Tal, Clancy Brown, and Tom Skerritt. And the writers do a good job at coming up with new and interesting heists, including a holiday episode and a flashback episode in which the team crossed paths before they knew each other. However, the continuing story arc of the team taking jobs that help them work their way up Moreau’s organization comes off as a bit forced. Yet despite having a few weaknesses, Season 3 of Leverage is incredibly ambitious, entertaining, and full of thrills.

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