The finale felt too abrupt, too many loose ends. For example, what happened to Elizabeth's plagiarized work? Especially now having Calvin's biological mother in the picture now and her wealth.

It's a shame they lost the freeway issue, but I thought that was realistic. I didn't expect a happy ending there. Sometimes fighting for things that matter to you end just like that – for you losing on the matter and losing all the hard work you've done too. I never read the book, so I don't know if that story was even part of it.

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What an amazing show. It‘s such a heartwarming but also an exceptionally tragic story that is told so well. Brie Larson really shines in her role and the performances were brilliant across the board. Can’t recommend this enough.

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What a great ending. Beautiful ! I loved this show from the beginning to the end.

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the ending was anti-climatic. I expected more from her.

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One of the best shows I’ve watched these past few years.

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Reminds me a lot of This Is Us with the amount of backstories we got. Elizabeth and Calvin are the Jack and Rebecca of this show. :cry:WE COULD HAVE HAD IT ALL. :broken_heart: The problem here is it started on such a high note that the rest of the episodes while good and entertaining don't compare to the first two.

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