The dog POV was awful. I hope they never do that again.

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“Who do you think you are??”
“A woman.”

Three episodes into the show, and I am hooked. I liked the colors, the swing, the jazzy music, and the plight of Elizabeth trying to make her mark in a male-dominated field.

I wasn’t prepared for episode 3 to start from the dog’s pov.

I can't believe a pregnancy test was a frog.

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Ughh my heart. I cried this whole episode.

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cried through the whole damn episode. i haven't cried this hard about a piece of media in forever, my god. now i just feel numb.

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This show is so good but this episode was gut-wrenching.

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So we are supposed to believe she just gets to keep the house even though they are not married but also she can be fired for being a pregnant woman out of wedlock? There is no way she would get to keep the house in this period right?

Also it's way too soon in the series to be doing a dog as main character episode.

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episode filled with emotions :cry:…
The dog part is weird

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I feel so bad for that poor dog

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Wow, pregnancy tests in the 50's. I never knew

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