If you're wondering what happened, like I did, they polled the audience to get the verdict. 60% voted not guilty, 20% voted guilty, 20% voted that they needed more information.

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Shout by Ward

She KNEW Benson was coming over, AND when she had just found out the guy was arrested. Combined with her past behavior and her accusation against Stabler, i think she was lying. I'm not completely sure though. The ending is definitely a cop out, but there's no way with the evidence that was there that he'd be found guilty. There would 100% be at least reasonable doubt and there'd be a mistrial or not guilty.

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Shout by JasperKazai

The professor is obviously a scuzz, but the student was annoying as hell and sabotaged herself at every step. Can we convict both of them?
The ending feels like a copout. Not every episode needs to have a clear-cut and happy ending, but they almost never do what they did here. So this feels like a stunt to gain attention.

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